Fast forward to this morning. I woke up to find (and I'm almost feeling vomit-tastic as I write this) that Take That's new song was inexplicably playing in my head. AND NOTHING WOULD SHIFT IT. *Shudder* Hurry up and get ready, I thought, because once I got to the car I could listen to some decent music of my own choosing. I swung my legs out of bed, pushed myself up, and instantly fell back down again. Bugger, I thought. I've buggered my knee.
I've been getting a bit of knee pain recently after running, but this was an altogether more exciting level of pain. I really think it's time to replace my manky old trainers with something a little more athlete-specific. In the meantime, though, I'm left with a buggered knee. I felt really stupid hobbling from my car to the office, then hobbling from my desk to the kitchen to make a cuppa. I know I should probably have gotten Theoretical Secretary to make my tea, but she's theoretical which doesn't particularly help matters, especially when I want to delegate work to her.
At lunchtime I had to make allowance for extra time as I hobbled down to Hammersmith to meet Yaz, rather than manfully striding. And she was still late. I was not amused. I feel like Herr Flick of the Gestapo.
Now, who wants to rub neurofen gel into my knee? It makes my hands feel greasy.
Now look here: I always say if a joke is worth repeating once, it's worth repeating twice. And clearly someone in HMV in Hammersmith agrees with me, and has had a little too much fun placing the price stickers on the sale goods.

Who doesn't want the best of Willie? It's just common sense.
Youch, sorry about your knee! If I worked with you, I would've gotten you a cup of tea or coffee. Put an ice patch on your knee, but not too long. Then take some muscle ache meds.
Willie needs a beard to complete his look.
I agree with tara - get some ice, it always helps me. Neurofen gel is also the best.
Ahhh, that sucks! Did people feel appropriately sorry for you?
Thanks Tara, I appreciate the tea/coffee offer. Heck, I never turn down a tea!
T-Bird - Willie does look a bit weird sans beard, huh?
Dinah - No, everyone at work laughed at me. Humph!
Take That? are you serious??? They have a new song.....again, are you serious??????
As for the best of willie....well it's best if I leave that alone. Right. alone.
Dora, they've only damn well gone and reformed. Bah! They were annoying 10 years ago, and they're annoying now. Ugh, just thinking of Gary Barlow's dead stare is making me want to punch something…
I can't believe no one's offered to rub that gel in for you! I guess it's up to me, then.
You won't mind if I accidently rub some into your well-defined-thigh as well, will you?
P.S. As for Take That - If Mark Owen hasn't got the most annoying singing voice, then I don't know who has!
Inexplicable Device - I'm not sure about my thigh. There's nothing wrong with that; might an unnecessary application of neurofen gel lead to unforeseen side effects?
Although if said side-effects are super-powers of some description, go for it.
As for Mark Owen, god, he sounds like a chorus of 13 year-old girls singing in their bedrooms while practising their dance routines. And that is NOT a complement.
did you do THIS???
I might've said "aaah" a couple more times…
I think I've missed the boat with this posting, but I felt the need to add that I have also had that Take That song stuck in my head. For AGES. Weeks now in fact. I'm glad someone else is feeling my pain. It's not like I have the whole song though, just one section of it. Worst pain there is (non-knee wise.
It's worrying, isn't it? Because if we're all hearing the Take That song, it would suggest that *shudder* the Take That song might not be that bad...?
I'm here for no other reason than to proclaim WV is qyytbig.
How big is quite big?
How long is a piece of string...?
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