So this being February 29th, apparently the ladies out there can ask us gents to marry them, rather than the more traditional other-way-around. Now, I'm not a scientist, but I can't understand why ladies can only ask on one specific day that only occurs once every four years. Do their heads explode if they try? Are they totally struck down by lightening? Do they implode?
Whose in a position to get Abi Titmus to give it a whirl? I doubt we'd massively miss her if her head exploded.
Anyway, I think this rule kinda sucks, because despite what you might think I'm actually quite shy, so it would certainly make life a bit easier if a lady asked me to marry her. I suppose another problem is that I'm actually single so it would be rather surprising if a random just walked up to me on the street and tried to marry me up there and then. My monocle might drop out.
Of course, if she looked like she just climbed out of the bear enclosure at a safari park it might be something less like a pleasant surprise, but beggars can't be choosers so I'd certainly weigh up my options carefully before issuing a sexy response in the yay or nay.
So there we have it. It's 21:11, and there's still time left for the ladies out there to snap me up. I'm quite the catch, or so I've been told. So if you've had enough of looking for Mr. Right and feel like cashing your chips now you could probably do a lot worse than me. I've got a job, a car, a house, and reasonably well-defined pectorals.
I'll just be sitting here watching last night's episode of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles if anyone feels like popping the question.