Wednesday, September 29, 2010


So, in addition to drawing a rather impressive series of satirical Star Trek cartoons back in my school days (here, here, here, here, and here if you're particularly bored), a recent email from a long-lost friend appears to have uncovered evidence suggesting that I might've, um, defaced school property with my sketches of Kirk and Picard.

Oh well, it was only Hamlet - who the hell has bothered reading THAT?!


  1. Well Mel Gibson certainly didn't. He shows no signs of thinking about what he's doing not then and certainly not these days

  2. Wow! Captain Kirk really doesn't do things by halves, does he? Those are some gung-ho body piercings.

  3. Well, IDV that just BEGS the question, what else has Capt. Kirk pierced?

  4. Y'know, 'Petra, I think Tim should bare all for we concerned Bloggers.

  5. Cyberpete - Um, what?

    Inexplicable Device - Well, he has got a devil-may-care attitude…

    Cyberpete - The hearts and minds of 1000 green-skinned slave girls?

    Inexplicable Device - Um, WHY exactly!?

  6. Oh, I was not too specific about the Romeo - Mel Gibson connection was I? Sorry, does it make at least just a teeny tiny bit more sense now?

    IDV: Me too. There really doesn't have to be a reason.

  7. Um… Yeeeeeeeeeeah…

  8. Why? Because you play Captain Kirk, of course. At least, you do over The Cusp... Anyway, 'Petra's right: There doesn't have to be a reason. In fact, we shouldn't need a reason.

  9. Yes you should.

    Show you correct working out or you FAIL!

  10. No, you show me YOU working out first.

    P.S. Here's the 'r' you dropped. FAIL!

  11. NO! It's my blog, and you're the one asking - YOU SHOW YOUR WORKING OUT!


  12. Ok, while you boys whip them out and measure, I can specify that Mel Gibson possibly did a Shakespear movie. I thought it was a Romeo and Juliet but I'm starting to think it was Hamlet. Which of course is something else entirely.

    The plot is weakening.

  13. OK. OK. Gods...

    1x Tim
    2x pairs of eyes (namely mine and 'Petra's)
    1x image capturing device (such as an iPhone [yuk! pah!] or digital camera)
    1x blog (namely Sparky Malarkey)

    1. Tim removes all clothes with the exception of pants (I like to leave something to the imagination and anything pierced down there will show through the fabric so long as the pants are tight. Which they must be.)
    2. Tim takes photos of himself, front and back.
    3. Tim down/uploads photos to his blog, namely Sparky Malarkey.
    4. 'Petra and IDV perv ove- I mean, observe photos and check for body piercings.

    'Petra and IDV are satisfied and Tim gets to show off his hot body.

    There. Satisfied?

  14. Cyberpete - Ah, yes, Hamlet! Sugar-tits!

    Inexplicable Device - Yeah, um, that's not going to happen. Sorry. But to offer a degree of satisfaction, there are no piercings anywhere on this hot bod.

  15. Bah! And after I went to all that effort, too.

    * grump *

    WV still likes me, though. It says I'm a 'saint'!

  16. Wow calling me cutesy nicknames such as sugar-tits gets you everywhere Tim.

    So, it was Hamlet then?

    I think IDV (and myself) need to be treated to some kind of hot bod Tim - if for no other reason than IDV going through all that.

  17. Inexplicable Device - Yes, there's a glitch in the WV matrix - it won't happen again.

    Cyberpete - But I like making IDV going to lots of time and effort FOR NO REASON.

  18. It's Half Nekkid Thursday tomorrow, you could contribute a Star Trek themed entry :)

    Loving the drawings!

  19. Ha! Did IDV ask you to suggest that…?
