Sunday, March 15, 2009

Vital equipment

When venturing to unfamiliar territory, Sparky Malarkey would like to recommend the latest advances in satellite navigation equipment: the Tim Tim Go.

Don't leave home without it!

(Thanks to Big Bro for an inspired piece of lunacy)


Tara said...

"Open the pod bay doors, [Tim Tim]."

That's a pretty cool device. My next car needs a navigation device.

Tara said...

...and it will have the voice of either Michael Sheen, Hugh Jackman, Morgan Freeman or Gerard Butler.

Tim said...

Tara - Isn't Morgan Freeman a little bit too laid back to be giving directions? You'd be past the junction by the time he told you should've taken a left turn…

Tim said...

I vote for KITT from Knight Rider.

CyberPete said...

Wow Kool! It must kill Tom to have competition.

Tara said...

Ha, yeah, you're right Freeman's voice would be good for a nice, lazy drive where you don't have to be in a rush to go home...or find home.

Then there's the Christian Bale navigation device which makes the driver feel insulted and yelled at for not taking his directions.

Inexplicable DeVice said...

Will it direct me straight to your house?

Inexplicable DeVice said...

Or, more importantly, will it direct me straight to you wherever you may be?

Tim said...

Cyberpete - I suspect Tom's not too happy…

Tara - Oh god, Christian Bale would be INSANE!

Inexplicable Device - No.

Inexplicable Device - No. In fact, it's designed to take you in completely the opposite direction. Then vaporize you.