Monday, June 30, 2008

Quite possibly the greatest moment of my life


  1. Whoa!

    Congratulations again. Must have felt the same as when Kylie added me.

  2. Eee, how exciting! Now you can play Scramble and Scrabulous with Captain Kirk!

    Wow...first your good run yesterday and now this. A very good week for ya so far!

  3. Cyberpete - It was a defining moment in my life, no doubt about that!

    Tara - That would be awesome! Do you think he'd be up for some Scrabulous? I hope so - I might leave a post on his wall and ask him!

  4. Hey, it couldn't hurt! Send him a Scrabulous invite! How cool to be able to say you and Shatner played a game of Scrabulous? Pretty awesome.

  5. That would be awesome Tara.

    Maybe I should do the same with Kylie. She's a huge boardgame fanatic.

  6. Very cool! I wonder if the Shat types like he talks?

    That. Would... beverycool.

    He hee! Is that your wallpaper behind the box? Very cute!

  7. How pant-wettingly exciting!

  8. Anonymous9:51 am

    Whoohoo twist him up with words and dirty Scrabulous! but maybe avoid the superpoke...

  9. Tara - I'd probably do a special wee if he accepted, even though I'd know it'd be one of his minions actually playing the game with me.

    Cyberpete - Do it - I dare you!

    Dinah - Thanks dude!

    T-Bird - That would be awesome, but might also suggest he has a bit of a dodgy keyboard… Yeah, that's my wallpaper - can you tell what it is? Kudos if you can!

    Inexplicable Device - I know!

    Watch*Paint*Dry - If I superpoke him he might give me a Kirk-stylee back-handed slap!

  10. You're having a darned good week this week! Nice one!

  11. Friends with the Shat? My life is complete!

  12. Hmm. I was going to say it has to be one of the earlier incarnations of the enterprise... but the back part looks too modern.

    It is the updated enterprise they get for the Wrath of Khan? I'm considering doing some nerd research, but really should be motoring.

    Was I almost right? Or completely wrong?

  13. Ooo, close! It's the Enterprise-A first seen in The Voyage Home and retired in The Undiscovered Country.

    You do get points for being a girl who at least knows what the Enterprise is though!

  14. I'll give it a go. In case she's way too into playing scrabble with her family, would you want to have another easy win against me?

  15. Of course I would!

  16. The Voyage Home is my favourite Star Trek movie.

    That is all.

  17. A good choice, dear girl!
