Sunday, June 29, 2008

Athleticism … I haz it

So the Dysart Dash 10k is done and dusted for another year, and guess what? I got a new personal best time people!

*drum roll*

54 minutes, 24 seconds!

Woo-hoo! That's an awesome 1 minute, 31 seconds off my previous best, so I'm feeling pretty darn chuffed with myself. And a little bit sweaty. Ooo, and I beat Sweatband by about three minutes or so without having to resort to tripping her up or pushing her in the river. Good times!

And because my Nike+ widget doesn't appear to be working at the mo' here's my run graph:

It looks a bit like pendulous boobies in the middle there. The complete data is:

• 10.11k
• 54:24
• Average pace 5:22 min per km
• 679 calories

And my iPod worked flawlessly, bless it.

Here's the obligatory photo of me modeling this year's sweaty vest and bling look.

Look at that medal - isn't it a thing of beauty? And I'm actually rather lucky to have it - I was originally given one of the LEFTOVERS FROM LAST YEAR, but about 10 minutes after finishing I got chatting to one of the organisers (because Sweatband knows him), and he was aghast that I didn't have one of the new ones and got it swapped over for me. Good times!

Right - I'm off to shower and shine my medal. When's the next one. Oh, how about this


  1. Wow - congrats! That's awesome! I'm a fan of any event that results in a photo.

  2. Bling, bling, bling! Congratulations with getting the metal and reaching your new personal best speed!

    Now go take a shower and treat yourself to a good meal or something!

  3. Shit! We haven't got much time to organize our wedding for that Wedding Day Dash. I'd better get right on it!

    Congratulations on the 54 minute run!

    One thing amazes me about it: You only burnt off 679 calories? 400 can be burnt off just doing the hoovering for 15mins or so!

  4. Congratulations on an outstanding performance! That is quite an accomplishment, shattering your last record by over a minute and a half! That is one nice medal. That's great Sweatband had connections to get you the hook up!

    IDV, your Dyson vacuum helps you burn off 400 calories in 15 minutes?! Good lord, no wonder Dysons are so expensive--they clean and they help you lose wt!

  5. Dinah - Thanks Dinah! Next year I'm going to try to get my Dad and brother to come along - they both just got new cameras and keep looking for excuses to use them. I didn't think about dragging them along this year for some in-run action shots!

    Tara - Thanks! I had a lovely shower, and then chilled out on the sofa watching Flight of the Conchords!!

    Inexplicable Device - I thought you didn't run? I don't think you can do it if you don't run. Oh well, it was never meant to be. Whatever shall I do?

    Eroswings - Thanks dude! I'm really pleased with that time, and hopefully I'll be able to shave a bit more of it next year. As for IDV and his hoover … well, I don't really want to think about what's going on there!

  6. I too am a little concerned about IDV means by 'hoovering'....that seems like a lot of calories for vacuuming, so it must be something else...

  7. I suspect he's making use of the various 'attachments.'


  8. Mmm. I think those calories are about right. You have to remember IDV that Tim has been in training as well. Your body isn't as shocked when you are in the groove of training.

    It takes me about 45mins and 15 km on the bike to burn around 300 calories. So that sounds about right.

    Congratulations on the PB! You must be feeling super number one Tim!

  9. I hope you don't all think I meant manhoovering?

    * shocked *

    Tim, you may be surprised at my turn of speed. No one has escaped me yet!

  10. Hmm. Isn't manhoovering supposed to add calories, rather than burn them?

  11. Anonymous9:46 am

    Wow, well done you! I am impressed.
    The wedding day race? Last chance to get away? Or opportunity?

  12. T-Bird - Thanks dude! My body wasn't too shocked by the run, I assume because of all the training, and about 10 minutes after finishing I felt like I could've done it all over again!

    Inexplicable Device - Yes, we mean manhoovering.

    And, erm, I've escaped you!

    T-Bird - Ewww.

    Watch*Paint*Dry - Cheers!! You're welcome to come to the Wedding Day race - there's a picnic afterwards!

  13. Congratulations!

    Excellent mate!

    Am I the only one who wonders if it's a coincident that it's held in Bushy Park?


  14. Cheers dude! Tee-hee - Bushy Park - funny, innit?

    I'm trying to find out if I actually need to dress like a groom for this new run…

  15. Anonymous9:50 am

    Sounds good as long as by 'picnic' you mean al fresco food munching and not promising to do all sorts of things until 'death parts' me and someone else...
    Whadya mean paranoid?

  16. Congratulations! Not just for beating your personal best but for beating Sweatband, too :-)

  17. Yeah, I mean picnic as in food, not some sort of dogging exercise!

  18. Odd Thomas - Cheers mate! I was surprised to beat Sweatband too - I think she'll be making a concerted effort to make sure that doesn't happen too often!!
