Thursday, July 03, 2008

Spending spree

Since I moved out and took on all the responsibilities of a homeowner with bills (ugh) and a mortgage (yeeeugh!) I've been remarkably well behaved when it comes to spending money. I used to be very impulsive, y'see, but I'm generally very good these days. How grown up and boring!

That said, I've been a naughty boy this week. And I put it down to the fact that I've been a bit miserable and a little pissed off. So what did I do? I turned into a girl and bought loads of shoes.

OK, does two pairs of shoes constitute loads? I don't know, but seeing as I usually only buy one pair of trainers per year I'm gonna say I bought loads.

So what did I get? Well, first up, for a couple of years now I've lusted after a pair of Onitsuka Tiger Mexico 66 trainers. And when I found I could get them off Amazon I thought bugger it and bought them. This is what they look like on my feet. Well, foot.

Sexy huh? And about two minutes after ordering those I bought these.

I've wanted a pair of proper posh shoes for ages now, and I finally found *exactly* what I wanted during a shopping trip to Kingston the other week. Sadly, Office only had them in tan, and I wanted black - but yay for me, I could get them in black by buying them from Office via Amazon. Lord knows how that works, but I ain't complaining.

It's weird wearing proper shoes after spending the vast majority of my life in trainers. I'm wearing them around the house to try and get used to them and break 'em in a bit; they're awfully slippery because they're that posh that they have flat soles which obviously need to be scuffed a bit on a surface other than wood flooring or carpet. Apologies also for wearing them with scruffy jeans in the pic above - I know they don't really go and I don't intend to wear them with scruffy jeans and a t-shirt in the outside world.

But they do make me feel *really* posh, which is cool, even though I do currently feel a bit like a little kid who's stolen his dad's shoes (I haven't, Dad, honest). Once I've mastered walking in them I'm going to have to try driving in them. Now that will be interesting…


OUT TAKE! So taking pictures of a shoe on your foot using a webcam is actually more complicated than it looks, as I discovered in this uncomfortable and somewhat unflattering pose:

Definitely sticking with the camera phone from now on…


I did a pub quiz with Yaz and Willowc on Tuesday. We came fourth, or thereabouts, thanks to iPhone googling, copious text-messaging, and Yaz sweet-talking the quizmaster into slipping us a couple of answers. Not quite as helpful were my answers to the following questions:

• What is the most popular pastime in the UK?
• What does the T-Rex eat first in Jurassic Park?
• How many legs does a scorpion have?

My exact answers?

Dogging Fishing (oops on both counts - it was actually ironing).
• A goat - and several unwitting people (I actually got this right!).
• Six terrifying legs (they've actually got eight, but I stand by my comment that a six-legged scorpion would be massively pissed off and thus VERY dangerous).

The fun didn't stop there, though; upon getting back to my car I had a terrifying stand-off with a fearsome-looking badger which was only resolved when we both mutually decided to back down and go our separate ways. Hardcore.


  1. Badger stand-off? Did we slip something in your drink?

    That quizmaster is growing to like us, give it a month and I reckon we could get him to slip us the answer sheet.

  2. Badgers badgers badgers badgers MUSHROOM!

    I really hope other people who frequent here have seen that. Otherwise I'm going to look like a stupid head.

    Quick tip for wearing in slippering shoes - you can scuff them yourself with steel wool or do a cross-hatch light cutting motion across the soles with the tip of a sharp knife (box cutter or the like does wonders).

    I have to say, those trainers are super number one!

  3. Willowc - I think some of your magic powder descended into my drink… seriously, a flippin badger was in the carpark!

    T-Bird - Sorry dude, I'm not getting the reference… But don't worry, we won't call you a stupid head.

    Stupid head!

    The trainers are awesome, aren't they? I'm not sure about taking a knife to my shoes - I'd probably go right through the sole… Steel wool might work though!

  4. Anonymous10:22 am

    Brilliant! You got the Tigers! I can't find any that will fit my ridiculously small feet, well ones that aren't pink or silver anyhow.

    I have never seen a badger before. Or a hedgehog.

  5. A badger?! that's crazy! I'm glad you both came out okay.

    The shoes do look awesome, both pairs. And even though it looks sort of awkwardly painful, I love the leg outtake.

  6. Oh very posh indeed. They are quite dapper.

    Just watch out in rainy weather and when they just washed the floors. You'll be on knees and elbows in a split second.

    Speaking of that, is your fly open?

    PS. I love that you went shoe shopping. I bought chocolate, which may be cheaper but ever so slightly less healthy.

  7. Watch*Paint*Dry - Damn right I did! They're well comfortable - if you can get them in a less pastel or futuristic colour you should defo get some!

    You've never seen a hedgehog?!

    Dinah - If they'd been someone around with a video camera I probably would've tried wrestling the badger.

    The outtake is, quite frankly, a bit rubbish, isn't it? I just couldn't be bothered to get my leg up higher.

    Cyberpete - Thanks! I'm wearing the posh shoes again now - they're effectively smart slippers until I'm confident they won't give me massive blisters.

    And *no* my fly's not open. Tut! That's the first thing I check before any sort of picture is taken! Where's IDV - he'd have a field day with a conversation leaning towards that part of my anatomy.

  8. Hefty has those trainers!! His are a bit tatty now though cos he's had 'em a couple of years. He now has these ones:

    In case you feel the need to add to your collection!

  9. Hefty's evidently a man of good taste! I like those new ones - they're like a skate-trainer stylee! I'd be tempted to get them, but I think I've got enough shoes for the mo'…

    Must… resist… from… buying… more… trainers!!!

  10. I think he's under the table somewhere. Probably hurling (which I have learned is also an Irish game)

  11. Anonymous11:17 am

    Nope, not seen a hedgehog. I am on the hunt for trainers am going to try Amazon, never thought of them. Ta!

  12. Cyberpete - Not on my shoes, I hope!

    Watch*Paint*Dry - Not even squished on the road?

    *gasp* We can be trainer-twins!

  13. When you wear those shoes you must put on a posh accent.

    I demand it!

  14. Goodness gracious! I always put on a posh accent, I shall have you know!

    Where's Jeeves? I'm so aghast that I spilt tea into the saucer - it must be cleaned up at once. At once I say!

  15. God I hope not.

    Those shoes should be kept clean at all costs.

    Now excuse me, my friend Pierre just popped in and I'm thirsty

  16. Anonymous1:07 pm

    Trainer Twins! Rock! I am so ging to call you up and say 'What you wearing?' *coughs* because we wouldn't want to be wearing the same shoes, would we?

    Nope not even a roadkill hedgehog. I have seen a porcupine though, in the wild in the middle of the night.

  17. Sorry it's taken me this long to comment - I was to busy "leaning towards that part of" your "anatomy".

  18. Which 'part' of my 'anatomy'?

  19. Pandora's box, Tim, Pandora's box...

  20. I wasn't aware I had a box. Let alone Pandora's.

  21. Isn't that what Adrian Mole always coveted?

  22. Ba-dum tish!

    And he's back, ladies and germs!

  23. Hey! I resent being called a germ!

  24. I like the shoes in the first photo, but once I got a glimpse of your other shoes I changed my mind. Really love those suave, black shoes you bought. I think they look great with jeans!

    I'm not a fan of buying shoes unless I am in a potent, shoe-buying mood.

  25. I just reread my previous comment. I do like the other shoes you bought, but those black shoes are awesome.

  26. T-Bird - But you're a germ we aaaaaaaall love!

    Tara - Thanks!! Don't worry, I would've guessed that you meant you liked both pairs, but preferred the black shoes!!

  27. Atchoo! That's Germanese for thanks.

  28. Sorry, I meant guzentight! (spl?)

  29. * covers mouth and nose *

    Yikes! It's like cootie central around here.

  30. we've never had the pleasure of seeing a badger up close either! did the standoff take place whilst you were wearing your posh shoes? we bet any old beaver would be a bit intimidated by them!

  31. Cyfa - Don't be such a wuss, it's awesome round here.

    Missy&Chrissy - I wasn't wearing the shoes, but I was wearing the trainers … it's lucky they weren't black and white or it might've taken offense!
