Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Hair update 06: Fail!


First day of a week off, and what do I do. I get a haircut. On, the plus side, I did say when I started this whole hair-growing thing that I was aiming to go without a haircut until the beginning of May and - whoa! - it's the beginning of May, so Mission: Accomplished there. And it was actually seven months to the day that I last had my haircut. My regular lady's been promoted in the meantime, which means I have to pay more. Still, I think you'll agree you just can't put a price on such raw animal sexiness. Oh, and what about the head massage they give you when they wash your hair? Worth any price. I'm not lying when I tell you I totally get a semi shivers down my spine when they do that.

Sorry to everyone who hoped I was going to end up looking like Fabio or something, but it was beginning to curl in unexpected places and was really getting on my tits (not literally). Anyway, I think I've finally well and truly decided that I prefer short hair better.

Perhaps the only downside is that I think my regular haircutting lady (I can't bring myself to say 'hair-dresser') has something against sideburns; mine come down to the bottom of my ears or thereabouts, but she always politely suggests that she trim them off. And I'm too stupid to say no. These took months days to grow, don't ya know!

Anyway, on the whole, is this deserving of a "rawr" or what?


Having a haircut hasn't been the only thing I've been up to today. Oh no. I've been to Sainsbury's (it's becoming apparent that I have an irrational fear of running out of toilet rolls - I've just bought eight more), and Homebase, where I bought some compost, a trowel, and a big plant for my small living room. For some inexplicable reason I'm actually getting rather interested in plants and garden stuff; I bought two small trees in Tesco a couple of weeks back for a fiver (they've been named Bill and Ben), hence the need for compost and a trowel. And the plant (something from the yukka family, I believe) looks awesome in my living room, even if it was a complete bitch to get home in my car.

Later this week I intend to re-pot my work plant, which I brought home at Christmas and haven't taken back yet. I think it looks awesome in my bedroom, and the sheer fact that it's flowering seems to suggest that it agrees with me.


Right - must dash; I'm off to see Death Cab for Cutie in concert tonight and I don't have a clue what to wear. It's really warm at the moment, but I suspect it'll drop down cold later - what a sartorial dilemma!

In the meantime, you can discuss amongst yourselves who's going to buy me this. I will dress as Batman if you treat me to it. PROMISE. 


  1. I don't believe you ever grew it in the first place. There's no evidence, it's all a hair-based conspiracy.

  2. RAWR! Even though I too think it was a hair-based conspiracy. All those hats...

  3. Rawr! Very nice.

  4. RAWR!

    I told you so, but nooooooo you had to follow everyone elses opinion and go long.

    Your Pacman T-shirt is lovely too.

    I am a bit concerned that you've started enjoying the same activities as IDV, and don't know what to wear. Is there something you haven't told us?

  5. Well even though I commented in your "What happens in Vegas" post about liking your longer hair, I do like the short look better. You look lovely and ready for summer! The head massage at the salon is best part of going for a haircut. Doesn't feel as special when we wash our own hair.

  6. That shirt is so cool!

    I have to completely agree with you and Tara about the hair wash/massage effect.

    Let us know how the concert was!

  7. Willowc - BUT, BUT YOU SAW IT!!!

    Inexplicable Device - Hey, don't blame me - it was everyone else voting for me to do hat-based posts!

    Dinah - Why thank you dear girl!

    Cyberpete - Why thank you dear boy. Don't worry - my clothing dilemma had nothing to do with IDV. And anyway, in the end I just went out in a t-shirt. Why? Because I'm impervious to weather (unless it's really freaking cold).

    Tara - I do like the short look better too. And what is it about the massage that you can't replicate on your own? Lord knows I've tried enough in the shower.

    T-Bird - Ta luv. I've had it for ages, but I still like it. The gig was awesome - nice venue too (the Electric Ballroom in Camden - first time there, you could hear my cherry pop).

  8. Mate, that sounds like an awesome night! Hope you have some pics for us. I like a bit of Death Cab, I does.

    As for replicating the head massage in the shower, you need to sit on your hands first to make them all numb so it feels like someone else is massaging your... head.

  9. As Yoda might say, awesome it was!

    And: hmmm…!

  10. Anonymous12:04 pm

    I likes your hair! No fail there.
    Ditto on the head massage, I bought one of those copper head massage thingies but it is not the same when you do it yourself. Ahem.

    You were in my neck of the woods in Camden, now I know you have ventured so far Norf I will be devising all sorts of plans to get your lovely self back again.

  11. I'm sure there's a joke there somewhere about making you go south.


  12. I say you wear t-shirts all year long - doesn't get very cold over there anyway does it?

    It just rains now and again.

  13. Nooooooo… We do have the occasional bouts of hardcore cold weather.

  14. Really?

    Of course I have been in London once when it snowed ever so slightly but it wasn't really that cold.

  15. Either that or I have very bad circulation.

  16. Let's hope you don't have the latter

    you are not THAT old yet

  17. How many times do I have to tell you? It only snows *on you*. The rest of us only see sunshine.

  18. Cyberpete - I'm feeling exceedingly young and spry at the moment!

    Willowc - I should have my own weather forecast!

  19. I don't know what I would do in hardcore cold weather. It only gets hardcore humid here.

    Now, *that's* bad.

  20. You would put on a stiff upper lip, keep calm, and carry on!

  21. Hardcore cold is very unpleasant...but I don't think i could do hardcore humid.

  22. Damn these extremes of weather!

  23. rawr! we were hoping for the fabio malarkey look, but you did accomplish your hair mission and for that we'll have to applaud you and accept the new haircut.

    we'll also contribute $10 (which is probably nothing now in pounds...sigh) to your batmobile fund.

  24. It's because you had that haircut

    it improves the spryness

  25. I think you're right. Hooray for haircut!

    I shall never doubt your hair advice again, Pete.

    In fact, wanna be my stylist? What's this season's hot new look?

  26. You know, as a stylist I get to pick out your outfits too and I have found just the stuff for you.

    Swing by my blog on Wednesday to see what I've picked out for you.

  27. Wednesday?! Isn't that, like, a whole other season?!

    Should I be afraid?

  28. I bet it's leather bondage gear.

  29. I'm hoping for some sort of imperial cloak. A new one, at that!

  30. And I don't mean a cloaking device!

  31. Um, yes, Pete - we are going to keep this within the realm of possibility, aren't we?

    Ohmygod! It's like pinkeye for the straight guy!

  32. Tee-heee

    I'm sure you'll be able to pull it off no problem (and IDV wouldn't mind watching I'm sure)

  33. Oooh! I can't wait to see it!


  34. Cyberpete - Cheeky!

    T-Bird - I bet you can't, saucy minx!

  35. Maybe it will be Tim my boy

    You'll just have to wait and see

  36. Right. I have 'obtained' the Batmobile - It should be winging it's way down to you on autopilot right now.
    You'd better get your skin tight Batman costume out!

  37. Cyberpete - I don't scare easily ... And yet ...

    Inexplicable Device - the costume goes on when the car turns up. Where is it, hmmm?

  38. Oh, you'll get what's coming to you, my pretty!

    Before I forget: Blog update? FAIL!

  39. Oh really? Well only two more days to go...

    Oh about the batmobile, I say you should get your kit on for the arrival of the Batmobile and while they are on you might as well pose a little for us.

  40. and seriously, IDV must have a major superhero fetish

    what's that about?

  41. Inexplicable Device - That doesn't sound scary at all!

    Cyberpete - No car, no deal. There will be no preempting!

    And yes, I think he's a bit weird.
