Friday, May 02, 2008

What happens in Vegas…

… Stays in Shepherds Bush.

This is what happens when *this* much coffee is shared between two people at lunchtime.


  1. That is aweseome! Erm, you two didn't actually see that movie, did you?

    I am still waiting for some pictures of little jackhammers and drills and a sign that says you internets is under construction...

    PS. Who ever's hands are up there (I am guessing not yours) I have to say, I LOVE the ring! Really funky!

  2. your internets... "your"

    I have only had my first cup of coffee, so that's what I am blaming my lack of proofreading on this time.



  3. T-Bird - Hell. No. Nah, we saw Iron Man! Which RAAAAAWKED.

    I'm off to makes tinternets again later!!! Woo-hoo!

    And that'll be Yazzle-Dazzle's hand

    Oh, and I'll forgive your missing 'r.' Just this once, though.

  4. Whoa that's a lot of coffee...but it ended up all good in the end. I'm thinking of seeing Iron Man...and thinking of definitely NOT seeing What happens in Vegas.

  5. Hey, the hair lengthening is coming along! Very cool.

    That's a lot o'coffee, but it looks very tasty.

  6. Is Ashton Kutcher feeling you up?

    and are you enjoying it?

    You look a little like that guy Milo Ventikaffalatta something from Heroes

  7. In this weeks' Heroes, Milo gets his top off. A lot. You should do the same Tim, so we can make an accurate comparison.

    And you *do* look like you're enjoying being felt up by Ashton. Although it looks a little 'Carry On'. Swap Cameron for Barbara Windsor and it could be Carry On Up Shepherds bush!

  8. who needs photoshop when posing in front of posters gives much more hilarious results!

    Though I think the look on your face would have been more suitible if you had taken a step to your left, faced to your right and bent over slightly.

    oh matron!

  9. Dinah - Actually I don't mind the odd Ashton Kutcher rom-com. Although a film like Iron Man is definitely my preferred genre.

    Cyberpete - To answer your questions: Yes, no, and really?! My mouth's not wonky, is it?

    Inexplicable Device - He also shot fireballs out of his hands. Would you like me to shoot fireballs out of my hands? Would you?!

    I shall partially forgive you for the hilarity of what should be the next Carry On movie: Carry On up the Bush!

    Skillz - Exactly, like the new Indiana Jones movie, there's something to be said for a real on-set practical effect versus one done on the computer. The audience can always tell.

    I don't think I want Ashton touching me in a special place. In Shepherds Bush is OK though.

  10. I think maybe it's the hair, but I think it's almost uncanny. You know, I really fancy Milo

    I should watch some more Heroes soon, as I haven't really properly started season 2 yet.

    Carry On: up the bush

    Now that's entertainment!

  11. That is a hilarious pose. Looks as if you're a hobbit or gigantic Ashton Kutcher is giving you props for an episode of Punk'd!

    Is that the One Ring in the second picture?

  12. The One Ring? No, Ashton had his thumb in that in the first picture.

    Baddum- tish.

  13. Cyberpete - I'll be honest, I'm not seeing the similarity. I can do a pretty honest impression of his wonky mouth though.

    I'm watching the second season of Heroes now, and I'm not massively impressed so far… I think it's because the first season was *so* good.

    Wonky mouth good times!

    Eroswings - A gigantic Ashton Kutcher?!? What a terrifying thought!

    T-Bird - That's T-Bird, people; she's here all week!

  14. It really was SO good, wasn't it!

    I was like all "save the cheerleader, save the world" to all my friends before it even aired here.

    God they hated me.

    Maybe you can do Milo for your next hair update?

  15. It was. I hope the second season picks up a bit…

    I'm not sure about doing the Milo impression … it kind of looks like I'm having a bizarre spasm…

  16. Oh, I am totally on-board with a good mindless comedy every now and then...but this one just doesn't look good. Maybe it's because they kept playing the trailer over and over during US Big Brother (some houseguests got to see it as a reward). Or Cameron Diaz...I'm not a huge fan of hers, really.

  17. No. No fireballs, thank you. You know how flamable I am.

    As to Heroes. The second season is picking up: Not only do we get to see Sylar with his shirt open, but Nichelle Nicholls is Micah's grandma!

    "Hailing frequencies open, Captain."

  18. Me neither Dinah. I really don't like her.

    Is Christine Rose still in the show IDV? She was fantastic in the first season.

    I like her a lot.

  19. Dinah - Isn't US Big Brother awful? For some reason they've been showing it over here and it is tragically bad.

    And to be honest I'm not a big Cameron Diaz fan either. She was good in The Mask, but has a weird mouth.

    Inexplicable Device - You sure? I'm ready to fire fireballs.

    Yes, I'm looking forward to seeing Nichelle Nichols in it; not so bothered about Spock: The Next Generation getting his moobs out though.

    Cyberpete - Who's Christine Rose? Sounds like a perfume. I don't know anyone beyond ol' wonky mouth and Hayden Pannacotta.

  20. Christine Rose is the mother of wonky mouth and his brother the annoying and slighty politician who was also in Mysterious Ways

  21. AKA plastic face as I affectionally call him

  22. Oh, her. I'm with you now.

    I like the way we've renamed all the cast of Heroes because we can't remember their actual names.

  23. Yes, well one is Peter and there is a Michael but that's the only names I know and for the life of me I can't remember who plays them.

    So how about that Banakaffalata fella from Doctor Who. He was great!

  24. Milo's had a haircut in the second season, hasn't he?

    He looks more manly and RAWR now.

    Should I start up with mother in law jokes or something now, to finish of my set?

  25. Tim: But his name was fantastic!

    T-birdy: Milo Ventikaffalata had a haircut?

    About friggin time and RAWR!

    Oh and bring on the mother in law jokes

  26. T-Bird - Yes he has - the emo look was *so* last year.

    *tuts and rolls eyes*

    And yes, anytime is a good time for mother in law jokes - go for it!

    Cyberpete - It sounded like an extravagant name for banoffi pie…

  27. He has to be very careful because apparently that's Mrs Thatcher's favorite pudding!

  28. You know too much…

  29. I might've known CyberPetra would like Mrs Petroleum Jelly - She's such a massive BITCH!!

    I quite like her, too...

  30. Who? Am I missing something?

    I was just going to say that I'll take a screen dump of what you said Tim. Just so you can never take it back

  31. Inexplicable Device - Takes one to know one.

    Cyberpete - What? What did I say?

  32. Speaking of renaming characters, I tend to refer to Milo's characters as just Milo or "Gilmore Girls".

    And now... I can't think of any mother in law jokes. Help?!

    My set has just been ruined. I hear the sounds of crickets chirping.

  33. CyberPetra: Mrs Petroleum Jelly = Angela Petrelli, Plastic Face and Milo's mum.

    * basks in own bitchiness *

  34. My god, she's not THAT bad.

    Is she?

  35. Haha! Those MIL jokes were awesome! And timely too, considering I have decided to buy a husband from one of the poorer ex-Eastern Bloc countries.

    Why do you call him plastic face, IDV? I thought the big brother was very cute...

    ohhh - the scar?

  36. Bugger that, I'm up for sale. I'll even give you a discount. It would please mah parents - they've started dropping the grandchildren question…!
