Monday, May 12, 2008

Coming soon!

Right, sorry for the lack of updates - I'd planned on writing something the other day, but certain technical issues have conspired against me...

Don't worry though! I hope to be back soon with exciting tales of my most recent exploits, including:

• An exciting bunny-based encounter!

• Some amazing tanlines!

• And some other stuff I haven't quite thought of yet!

In the meantime, I'm still waiting for my Batmobile. Pull yer finger out!


  1. And probably some weather that doesn't really exist.

    Oh lawd a lummy, my word verification is 'sofffe' :/

  2. Ew, sorry to hear about the technical problems!

    I'm on the edge of my seat to hear about the bunny related encounter!

  3. Whereas I'm on the edge of my seat to see evidence of some amazing tanlines!

    Um... Small technical glitch with the Batmobile: Turns out it's a vampire car and is hanging upside down in a warehouse down the road. Don't worry, I'm trying to tempt it out by having Car lurk around with it's bonnet up!

  4. I am sure Car is enjoying every minute of your bait and switch plans!

    As for the bunnies, I hope it doesn't involve any boilers.

  5. Other stuff! Other stuff!

    You do know how to set up a good sell.

  6. Willowc - No: the weather is aaaaaaaaall good!

    Tara - It's worth waiting for!


    Inexplicable Device - They'll be revealed on a pay-per-view website. Credit cards at the ready!

    And stop making excuses!

    T-Bird - Not that I'm aware of … though it was a hot day!

    Dinah - I think it's more of a tease than a good sell!

  7. Do you take Vasa or Mustercard?

    Dare I ask if your Apple toys are not working properly?

  8. I prefer cash.

    And yes, an unfortunate power supply problem with my beloved iMac ... The first problem I've had in nine years of Apple usage, but it's being repaired entirely free of charge so I won't grumble too much!

  9. That's excellent service, if they don't take to long to do it.

    I'm impressed really, being an Apple computer hater and all.

    Since you bought that iPhone I've been completely obsessed and yet they don't sell them here yet.

  10. There's been good news about getting a Canadian phone carrier for iPhone, it should happen later in the year. I won't be able to afford one, but they will be nice to look at.

  11. Cyberpete - It should only be a couple of days…

    *fingers crossed…*

    Dinah - Oh, god, you'll love it - hunt one down and just touch it!

  12. *wonders just how much pleasure Tim get's from touching his iPhone*

  13. system overload

    commence automatic shutdown

    Yes / No


    Automatic override in progress...


  14. bunnies AND tanlines?? has sparky tim turned into hugh hefner?

  15. Cyberpete - You need to reboot, I think.

    Missy&Chrissy - Ha! I wish!!

  16. For an egomaniac, you are remarkably tardy with your 'all about me' postings!

    Get cracking, whippersnapper!

    I wish to hear about bunnies! Stat!
