Friday, October 29, 2010


Remember earlier this year when I was struggling for something to blog about so I basically asked you lot to come up with content for me by encouraging you to unleash your imaginations using an OFFICIAL SPARKY TIM CUT OUT 'N KEEP ACTIONLESS FIGURE? That was all good fun, wasn't it? I loved what you all did with me, even if I fear that one actionless figure in particular might've been forced into taking part in some things that it might never quite recover from.

What I knew at the time, however, was that there was another contender eager to take part in the fun, but one that was waiting, biding her time until, like John Denver, she could leave on a jet plane headed for more exotic climes…

That contender was iPandah. And she took me to Hawaii.

Now, you might look at this and, like Senator Vreenak, thinks "IT'S A FAAAAAAKE!" After all, you can get a picture of a pineapple to pose in front of pretty much anywhere. And my nips are well perky, so it must be a cold day. Set eyebrows to 'QUIZZICAL.'

This photo is more convincing for the simple reason that I'm a sucker for pretty girls in grass skirts, particularly when they appear to be grazing my shoulders with their boobs. WIN.

Still need convincing?

The view from, I believe, the 24th floor. Suck it up, bitches. Now where did my sexy hula-girls go?


  1. Wow! iPandah managed to get you on a plane? Wonders will never cease.
    I expect she took these photos on the first day of the holiday as you don't seem to have caught the sun...

  2. Well, you do have to cover up with SPFx400 or so these days in case you fry.

  3. You will have to work a little harder on your tan mate.

    Where are the piña coladas?

  4. Piña coladas? I don't drink!

  5. Well done, iPandah!

    Tim, you should've soaked in the sun a little longer over there, you're looking a bit pale!

  6. I know. I was protecting my skin with a high SPF; I didn't realise it would make me virtually translucent!

  7. You hang out with Lee and you don't drink? Wow.

  8. I thought you knew that?

  9. I did know, but was trying to point out the paradox of not drinking and hanging out with the fabulous Lee

  10. Well, one of us has to know where we are.

  11. Quite right.

    A friend and I who are both massive lushes when going out just follow the firmest arse. One of us (usually him) always gets a place to crash that way and the other a taxi home.

    I admire your abstinence from drinking a lot.
