Sunday, July 25, 2010

30 days of yoga: Day 15 - Halfway

Let us never speak of me quoting Bon Jovi lyrics again. We shall assume I'm delirious from too much yoga.


  1. I think your brain has been poached from the heat... ;-)

  2. Are you zen yet?

    Can you float inches off the ground in lotus position?

  3. Ponita - I think you're right!!

    Cyberpete - No, not yet. I think that comes on the 30th day!

  4. I had a dream last night that loads of people from the next town over (I wasn't in Norwich at the time, hence the lack of city-ness) with heroes/X-Men-esque abilities, flew overhead rather craply, and in peculiar positions to fight off an army of invading somethingorothers. You weren't amongst them in your lotus position, were you (baring in mind that this was probably a premonition, so it could have been after your 30th day)?

  5. Excellent work so far! Keep on truckin''!

  6. Inexplicable Device - Maybe I was coordinating the attack from a secret zen location?

    Tara - Thanks! Will do!!
