Saturday, July 24, 2010

30 days of yoga: Day 14 - wall

I knew it was coming, but that doesn't make it any less annoying: I think I've hit THE WALL (and I don't mean one that leaves me with bloody knuckles and tears in my eyes).

Some of the teachers and staff at yoga warned me that I might reach a point where I feel I can't quite go any further, and while I don't think I've actually reached THAT point - I'm still enjoying it and I'm still doing everything quite capably (I think) - I don't feel like my practise has actually been advancing over the last few days. Basically that means I feel like I'm going through the motions a bit.

On the plus side, bad yoga at the moment is actually still a bit like decent yoga from a few months ago. And to be honest the situation's not helped too much by Friday's class being in the evening and Saturday's being first thing in the morning with only about 13 hours between them. Still, I do get a nice long rest between Saturday's morning class and Sunday's evening class, so hopefully my powers will be restored by this time tomorrow…


  1. So, have you rested to your full potential after class this morning?

    P.S. Has a relative of yours ever been a Cadbury's Flake Girl?

  2. Yes, very much so - had a lovely afternoon nap!

    And, er, no! Why do you ask?

  3. Hope it picks up tonight

  4. I only asked because I was watching 100 Greatest Adverts last night and one of the Flake Girls had the same surname. I thought it was a pretty uncommon name.

  5. Cyberpete - It … didn't. Quite.

    Inexplicable Device - Oh reeeeeeally? How interesting. Maybe she's my SECRET WIFE!?!?!?

  6. She'd better not be! Don't make me come down there!
