Tuesday, July 20, 2010

30 days of yoga: Day 10 - Benjamin Button

As I said yesterday, there are some aspects of yoga - particularly the whole zen part - that I don't quite get. But then there are other aspects I totally get - aspects that have been far more noticeable as I continue my way through my 30 day challenge.

One thing I knew would happen was a change in my body shape - shoulders, biceps, that sort of thing, because I know from past experience when I've gone three or four times a week for a couple of weeks that it has a noticeable effect on those areas.

What I was not expecting was to start growing younger. But that, apparently, is what is happening.

The first inkling I had was when I noticed that the rather deep line on my forehead from where I raise my eyebrows incredulously at people rather too often had softened somewhat, and gotten a little bit shorter. Then I noticed that the laughter lines around my eyes had decreased in size, and the dark rings under my eyes had disappeared altogether. My jaw line is more defined, and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to produce mock double-chins. I've begun to look like that bit of dodgy CGI they used in X-Men United to make Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen look younger.

And then today I walked into the office only to hear the phrase "holy shit, have you gotten taller?!" hurled at me by Scanner. Apparently I have.

So, while I'd previously scoffed at anyone telling me that yoga could make me look younger rather than just feel younger, I now can't deny the evidence - because it's staring right back at me every time I look in the mirror.

And all this after just 10 days. At this rate I'll be back in nappies by the time I hit that final class.


  1. I have all those facial features although my double chin isn't mock. It's mocking (me).

    Do you think Zumba will help with the dark rings around the eyes?

  2. What is this Zumba thing I keep hearing of?

  3. How do I do this? Where do I do this?!

  4. There are loooooads of places in London that do it - just Google Bikram Yoga.

    You do know it's in a heated room, though, don't you? And I mean REALLY HOT. Just thought I'd warn you about that!

  5. I can cope with heat! Maybe...

    But no, having given up the cigs and started the gym, I'm thinking of joining Lee and Ryan with their yoga. I suspect it's easier than yours...

  6. Oh, you should definitely give it a whirl! I've seen more positive changes through yoga than I ever did by going to the gym.

    Maybe give regular yoga a go first then try Bikram if you like it?

  7. Really? I'm already seeing the effects from gym - and feeling them!!

    I imagine Lee and Ryan are doing regular yoga so yeah, that's what I'll be going for!

    I'm gonna be young again!!!!! *evil cackle*

  8. I hit a wall at the gym eventually (not literally), and then just struggled to get there regularly, so it was a combination of things that led me to give it up. Yoga's 10 minutes from work though: BONUS!

    Do it - and I want a full report! I don't know what yoga they do, but as long as there's no hippy-chanting it'll be fine.

  9. Ah, well I suspect I'm a while from hitting the wall at the gym but I could see it becoming my new smoking. Proper buzz.

    And will do. I know their instructor is fit but other than that, they haven't said much :)

  10. It took me about five years to hit the wall - I think you've got a way to go!

    It will be interesting to know if they actually do any yoga, or if they're just perving over the instructor...

  11. So yoga makes you taller?....Hmm! Maybe someday I'll be able to reach my coffee cups without standing on my tiptoes! *scampers off to look up yoga classes*

    I'm so glad you're feeling so good during all of this! The determination is certainly paying off!

  12. As far as I'm aware Zumba is basically dancing to a sort of samba soundtrack. It's all a buzzing around here and classes starting up everywhere.

    May see if they have DVDs or maybe a Wii game first though, because I'm really not a show up for classes and make a fool of myself kind of person.

  13. I am loving my yoga. It's been a year now and I do it nearly every day. The change in my body from its previous karate worked out strength is remarkable. The definition is still there but it's not pumped and I just feel so much better and more energised. I do Hatha, Ashtanga and Yin.
