Friday, September 26, 2008


As regular readers (you can try denying it, but I know there's at least one of you) may remember, a while back I pimped my iPhone out with a wicked new wallpaper.

But I'm a bit of a fickle bugger, y'see, and I tend to get bored with things like this quite quickly. Which also explains why I've never had a tattoo; there's a bit of a difference between changing your iPhone wallpaper and spending the weekend trying to rub your skin off with sandpaper.

Anyway, yes, as lovely as the picture of the Enterprise blowing up is, I decided that I wanted something a bit different. And lo and behold, I found the answer in the form of a panel of artwork from Love and Rockets. Not just any panel, though; no, this, ladies and germs, is what I consider to be my very favourite single panel of comics artwork EVAH:

Good god I love feisty Hopey. 

There's something really … human about her expression, her stance, the bluntness of the words she's uttering. I love the way she looks like she's been caught and really doesn't give a damn. She looks angry and defiant. And after my well-documented falling-out-of-love with superhero comics, I love the message she's spray-painting on the wall. It makes me smirk.

OK, so it wasn't a simple 'get picture, slam onto iPhone' jobby - the original panel is a slightly different shape to the iPhone screen, which meant that if I put it on as it was most of the image was obscured; I could literally see her head from the chin up to the top of the speech bubble (what the picture above doesn't show is the date, time, and unlock slider that appear at the top and bottom of the iPhone screen, cropping the available space down to more of a square shape).

I started by loping off the caption along the top, which gave me more of a square shape, then realised that rather than filling the start screen with the panel I should isolate it in the available space. After playing around with different variations for a while I realised that having the entire thing on a white background (as it originally was) didn't really work for me (I didn't like the start screen being all white - see: fickle; I told ya), so I isolated the cropped panel against black, and voila! New iPhone wallpaper!!

I think I'll be keeping this one for a while. Man, I wish I was as keewl as Hopey.


  1. That's right! Australia takes a out the trifecta of medals and the crowd goes 'yaaaaay!'

    Also, you and your iPhone are sluts, AND I LOVE IT!

    I'm never letting that go.

  2. Anonymous10:07 am

    I-phone sounds like a ful-time job mister! I love the panel though, she is using my favourite line!

  3. Well you can see through both the date and unlock section. I didn't bother changing the size of my wallpaper and it works fine.

    Of course it's not a complicated wallpaper like yours. Yours is kool though.

    You sound so hot when you talk geek. Please continue.

  4. Super heroes don't suck!

    Well, Electroclash doesn't. She's a feisty, sweary, bitch!

  5. T-Bird - Whoa! BAM, BAM, BAM - the spirit of Dora lives on!!

    And yes, me and my iPhone are sluts - and we DO love it!! Please don't ever let that go.

    Watch*Paint*Dry - Next time I see you we're recreating that panel with you in it. You bring the paint, I'll bring the clippers.

    You're OK with a number 1 all over, aren't you?

    Cyberpete - Yeah I know, but I don't like things underneath them; it's a purely personal preference, I just find them a little difficult to read if there's detail beneath them.

    Inexplicable Device - They do too!

  6. T-Bird: What is this, an Olympic swimming competition?

    Tim: I'm so happy that your iPhone brings you so much joy. Good work!

  7. Dinah - Actually, it's a little bit sad I'm so addicted to my phone, isn't it?

  8. Er ... inexplicable!

  9. I went to school with a girl named Hopie. She spelled it differently than the character. Her actual name was Esperanza.

    You make an excellent point about tattoos. I go back and forth wanting one to not needing one, but if I wound up getting bored with a tattoo, it wouldn't be easy to change it. Painful, too.

  10. M - Indeed!

    Tara - That's Hopey's real name in Love and Rockets too!

    I wouldn't get a tattoo unless I was totally, 100% sure I would want it forever. And I'm not sure I'd ever be totally, 100% sure…

  11. It's not sad that you love your phone so much, because if it is I would have to reexamine what makes me happy. And I don't want to do that. So I'm just going to go curl up in bed and watch some sitcoms and eat some junk and read some YA books.

  12. Hurrah! I love the way we all have our little quirks!

  13. The iPhone is amazing.

  14. It was weird getting a £400 phone bill though.

    Why did they have to pick Telia! Those incompetent bastards.

  15. Ouch! That's ridiculous - what the hell have you been doing with it?!
