Sunday, September 21, 2008

Viewing pleasure

During an argument discussion with Big Bro the other day, I suggested that I didn't actually watch that much TV. Based on the events of this weekend, for which I am laying blame predominantly on Best Mate Jo, it could be said that I outright lied during that argument discussion.

This weekend, beginning from the moment I got home on Friday evening, to the time of writing, I have watched:

• Two episodes of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
• Twenty minutes worth of iTunes bonus features for Season One of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
• Five episodes of Gilmore Girls.
• Seven episodes of Season One of The OC.
• One episode each of Strictly Come Dancing and The X-Factor.

This is made all the more remarkable by the fact that I slept in until midday on both Saturday and Sunday, so all this viewing took place with the confines of approximately 24-hours.


OK, so the two episodes of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia were the last two of Season One, and they were just sitting there asking to be watched on Friday night - and it would've been rude not to watch the bonus material around the same time, right? As for Gilmore Girls, well, I had to watch them (not that it was a chore, mind) because there'll be five more episodes next week and I can't have them backing up. And The OC? Why, might you ask, am I watching The OC from the beginning again?

Well, it's my own silly fault, really. Last Christmas I bought Best Mate Jo the first season on DVD because I'd constantly harped on at her about how much I enjoyed it, and how I thought she'd enjoy it too. That and the fact I didn't have a clue what else to get her. This was around the time she was getting ready to move into her marvelous new flat, and she immediately came up with the sterling idea of having a housewarming/OC-fest. I loved the idea, and we made plans to do it sometime in January.

Soon after moving in, however, and for reasons too complex to explain here, she had to move out again, so OC-fest was postponed. And then it kind of slipped by the wayside. 

Last month, though, after I dragged a very tired and hung-over Best Mate Jo to IKEA with me to watch me purchase my LACK, she brought the idea up again. I loved it so much I almost crashed my car, and we settled on a date. In fact, we even settled on what we were going to eat - Old El Paso fajitas, based on the fact that I'd seen an advert on telly for them and they looked, well, YUM.

And so yesterday afternoon I headed over to Jo's flat, picked her up, and we headed to Sainsburys. That was all part of the plan, y'see - go buy the food spontaneously on the day, make kind of a thing about it. Anyway, we rocked up to Sainsburys (although 'lurched' might be a better word - I'm finally breaking in my posh new shoes, and they're a little bit … weird to drive in. Look and feel awesome though), got the food, queued for ages (seriously, who knew THAT many people did their weekly shop at 17:30 on a Saturday?), then headed home.

We watched Strictly Come Dancing first, which both surprised and delighted Jo because she thought I'd hate it and demand that we watch something more manly. I argued with the fact that I love the show (so much so that it makes me want to go dancing), and the first week is always great because you get to laugh at the contestants while they're still rubbish. She also loved my Bruno Tonioli impression.

After that it was over to ITV1 for The X-Factor, the last time that I'll be watching it this year because it's the last week of auditions, meaning all the crappy (i.e. hilarious) people have been sent packing. We sorted out the food at the same time (well, Jo did), and I was delighted to find that, true to expectations, it was indeed YUM.

With dinner, and chocolate cheesecake, out of the way, we said and watched The OC until half 12 at night. And after I buggered off Jo apparently watched another episode. Once again hooked on the life and times of Orange County's finest, I've once again cracked open my DVD boxset and today carried on where we left off, well, very early this morning.

It's like an addiction. 

Oh look, I've got time to squeeze another episode in before bed… (the quicker I get to Season Three the better – that's when Autumn arrives…). And talking of bed, I must remember to change the alarm tone on my iPhone - I've been getting up progressively later the last couple of weeks which means I'm hitting more traffic on the way into work. I think I'm getting too used to the 'Marimba' alarm, so I'm planning on shaking it up with a new one - probably 'Alarm,' if only because it'll jolt me awake thinking that I'm aboard the Enterprise under attack by the Klingons…


There's more viewing pleasures in the week ahead - aside from the aforementioned five episodes of Gilmore Girls and another new One Tree Hill, I've just hit-up iTunes for some more shows to watch at lunchtime on my iPhone. So what've I got? Well, I'm meeting Willowc on Monday, and it would probably be rude to watch something while she's there, so that leaves me with four days. That being the case, I thought I'd save Season Two of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia for another week, and download a few other treats. First up is an episode of Batman: The Animated Series called 'Legends of the Dark Knight' that I've wanted to see for years, then - and at Marcosy's insistence - I've downloaded the 'Imaginationland' trilogy from South Park's 11th season - if only to better understand why, during a shopping trip to Kingston a few months back, he flung his arms wide while coming down the escalator in John Lewis and belted out "IMAGINAAAAAAAATION!" like he was starring in a Broadway musical.


  1. Oh my god, I'm the FIRST to comment, the FIRST! This never happens, EVER! Okay now I feel slightly pressured to say something witty, profound and interesting.........


    ......................damn it.

  2. He'd better be careful singing that "Imagination" song. He'll find himself trapped there with the creepy little perverted forest animals.

  3. iPandah - I believe the correct response is: "FIRST, bitches - SUCK IT!"

    You should definitely keep that in mind for future reference!

    Tara - I think he's there already…

  4. Nice!

    I spent the entire weekend playing Sims 2. You'll be pleased to know with the Ikea extra pack I bought my sim family a red LACK. Awesome!


  6. Cyberpete - You are having me on! There is not an IKEA expansion pack … is there?

    Dinah - I AM! Bruno had some treats to say this week, but I can't for the life of me remember what they were. What was noticeable, though, was the fact that the way he was sitting made it look like the three other judges were trying to push him away - kind of like too many kids being made to share a desk at school.

  7. I swear I left a comment on here... computron 3000 must have shut down before I clicked send.

    Oh well, Dinah read my mind... so I second her comment!

  8. I think we all know saying you don't watch much telly was a dirty lie. But I'm not complaining because you keep making me watch stuff I end up really liking. Gilmore Girls = WIN. It's just so fluffy!

  9. OF COURSE there is an Ikea expansion pack. Unlike the H & M pack you can't start your own Ikea though.

  10. T-Bird … Computer says no…

    Wait - are you calling me a slut too!? I LOVE IT!

    Willowc - That's because I'm a tellybox guru!

    Cyberpete - Really!? Are you making it up?!

  11. No no no no NO!

    You're my entertainment guru, this title is long established!


  12. Willowc - Oh, sorry. Let's just accept the fact that I'm a guru.

    Cyberpete - Holy crapola! That's … insane!

  13. You're my slut guru, Tim.

  14. That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me…

  15. You have no idea!

    I should have bought shares when EA Games first released Sims because my god they have released many Xtra and Expansion packs

  16. Cyberpete - And how many do you own…?

  17. I aim to please, Guru!

    Pete, I've never understood Sims. Is that the one where you have a whole city and it grows or something?

  18. Ooo, I know the answer to that one - that was SimCity. I had that on the SNES, and it was great. Though I had to cheat to make it great. I tried the Sims, where you control the life of a dude/dude and family, on the PS2 a few years back, and loved it at first, but then realised that as the game consisted of getting a job, a girl, working out, having fun, etc, I might as well do all that in real life.

  19. Anonymous9:52 am

    Wierdly I have the same problem as T-bird in commenting on your blog. I send and it doesn't appear. But only from home machine, so I now have the best excuse to spend hours not working! Yeah!
    What I was going to say was, I watched two seasons of Friends, extended episodes, on Sunday. I have seen them all before over and over and I still love 'em. But it was a hard-earned day of hangover and cake and there was no moving me. About that growing up and getting a life...

  20. i might have to start playing the SIMS just so i can check out this IKEA pack...does it feature ikea food too?? virtual cinnamon buns! i love it.

  21. Watch*Paint*Dry - That's odd … But yeah, just don't do any work!

    Missy&Chrissy - Oh, now you've got me yearning for IKEA food – and I'm starving as it is!!

  22. I've done a little post about Sims.

    Unfortunately the IKEA pack does not include Swedish meatballs or any other Swedish foodstuff.

    The red Lack makes up for it though.

  23. so are we, tim!

    and thank you cyberpete - we read your post and are now completely blown away with the world of Sims.

  24. Hmmm... I might 'borrow' this televisualisation concept. Witchface has a half-arsed draft of something similar, so I'll add the other half an arse and post it a bit later.

    * yoink *

  25. Cyberpete - A red LACK makes up for *everything*!

    Missy&Chrissy - There's more than meets the eye to The Sims, huh? A bit like Transformers…

    Inexplicable Device - Thief!

  26. They don't turn into cars TimTams.

    You can do pretty much everything from killing the spouse and collect the insurance money and all that.

  27. Damn! I want robots in disguise!

  28. You won't find those in Sims 2. Maybe when Sims 3 comes out next year?

  29. What - in The Sims: Massive Cash-in Edition?
