Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Book Shelf III: The Search for Books

And here they are:

The bulk of my Batman and Superman graphic novels here. Actually, looking at it this entire shelf is DC…

A scattering of Marvel books, some Dark Horse (the white-spined books are their great Star Wars Tales anthologies), and a few Alan Moore books (if you have never read From Hell, please ignore the atrocious film and read this incredible book).

Some quality stuff here - Watchmen (*so* excited by the trailer for the movie), my old Star Trek graphic novels (one of which I picked up years ago for 50p in a bookshop sale), some Daniel Clowes stuff (you probably know him best for Ghostworld, which unlike From Hell was made into a great movie), Bone, which is fookin' awesome, my treasured Dick Tracy Casebook from the early 90s (around the time when the movie came out), some Kevin Smith graphic novels, and some old-skool Ninja Turtles books (waaaaaay darker than the TV show).

More to come tomorrow…


  1. Ah, so here's the rest of Waterstones, just as you promised.

    Yay! First!

  2. I'd prefer it if you compared it to Borders, because that would imply a Starbucks would be located upstairs.

  3. We don't have Starbucks in our Borders. We have a franchise called Gloria Jeans, which is AOK.

    Ooh! I am so getting myself a copy of Watchmen! I did a wiki search on it when I saw the trailer and remembered you and IDV recommending them!

    Plus, I am loving Liberty Meadows. The only sad thing is, my local Borders doesn't have an awesome graphic novel array, I'll have to get them from Amazon, which is a pain...

    Keep up the book collection posts - I loves them!

  4. Your collection of books is like my collection of movies. I really should have a better collection of books than I actually do. I kept books from college...some I kept voluntarily, others I wasn't able to sell back to the college because they didn't want them again.

  5. We have a Second Cup in our Chapters...is that sort of the same thing? I tried to give Bone a try, but I don't think I was in the headspace for it. I'll have to give it another go.

  6. In the Norwich Waterstones there's a Costa upstairs. But in Boarders, the Starbucks is downstairs.

  7. Luv the Watchmen; lookin forward to the film...

  8. T-Bird - Gloria Jean? That sounds like a mid-afternoon chat show!! Liberty Meadows is awesome - when I first started reading it I was thinking it was just a normal comic strip, then the frog and the pygmy bear start blowing each other up and swapping noses and things.

    Tara - I try to keep books, but when I moved I had to get rid of some. It was quite difficult - was a bit like choosing kittens to get rid of!

    Dinah - Second Cup? Chapters? It sounds like exactly the same thing but with different names! Definitely give Bone another go… it's such an epic, amazing story.

    Inexplicable Device - Whoa! That must be super-confusing. How do you manage.

    Eroswings - I know - I was a little bit dubious about the movie, but then I saw the trailer and I was all "whoa…" like Keanu in The Matrix.

  9. There is one that really jumps out at me (besides the Heroes book), David Boring.

    I like the title.

  10. That's a good one. I preferred Ghostworld, but pretty much everything Daniel Clowes has written is worth reading.

    The Heroes book was … entertaining, but it was made up of the short stories they'd already published online during season one, so it all felt a bit too abrupt and superficial.

  11. I'm going to have a look at that. I've got a whole bunch of books I have to read first. But after that.

    I didn't even know they had short stories of Heroes. Hmmmm.

  12. I think there's a second Heroes book coming out later this year … the first one was good, but you could kinda tell they were done for an online audience. Each story was only about three pages long.
