Monday, August 11, 2008

Book Shelf II: Double trouble

Notice here how I've only just begun building up the second layer of books? There's some true gems here - World War Z and I Am Charlotte Simmons being the most obvious.

And… BAM! Graphic novels ahoy! We start here with some hardbacks - Liberty Meadows (awesome, an often inappropriately funny tale of … well, check it out here), Invincible, and some classic Marvel and DC stuff.


  1. Such lovely books!

    The Kevin Smith book looks rather large...much larger than I would have thought.

    I can't wait until I'm a proper grownup in a real place with more boxes for my books!

  2. If you mean the Kevin Smith book with the white spine, yeah it is quite a large book! It's basically his online diary printed and bound, so it's a bit of an unusual, but nevertheless entertaining, read.

    I love having my books out on a shelf where I can look at them. When I lived with Sparky Ma and Pa I didn't have much room, so they were shoved in cupboards!

  3. I remember you saying how much you loved one of the books by Kevin Smith. I think he wrote the screenplay for the show "Reaper". Very funny guy, it's a shame he was the silent one of Jay & Silent Bob.

    You've got an interesting collection of literature there, Professor Tim!

  4. That picture of Kevin Smith on the spine looks like that buffoon David Gest.

    Your graphic novel shelf looks like the one at Waterstones.

  5. Tara - Yeah, he was executive producer on Reaper or something, and directed the first episode! I think he made himself Silent Bob because he couldn't remember dialogue in his movies!

    Inexplicable Device - Ha! That picture of Kevin Smith is actually one of his Inaction figures … although a David Gest one would be … um, interesting!!

    You wait until you see the other shelves!

  6. World War Z has clambered onto my all-time top 5 list thanks to you!

    I shall therefore definitely be studiously peering at your shelves.

  7. World War Z has clambered onto my all-time top 5 list thanks to you!

    I shall therefore definitely be studiously peering at your shelves.

  8. I've already seen your other shelves - What kind of stalker would I be if I hadn't?

    * resumes lurking behind the sofa *

  9. Gosh, that's a lot of superheros although can you really call Batman a superhero? He doesn't exactly fly or anything...

    I'm curious about The Perks of being a Wallflower. Sounds delightful.

  10. * leaves the space behind Tim's sofa and takes up permanent residence at ErosWings' *

  11. Willowc - Damn right you should!

    Willowc - Um, damn right you should!

    Inexplicable Device - *sprays fly-spray* get out from behind there!

    Cyberpete - It is, isn't it? The Perks of Being a Wallflower is very good - it's written in the form of letters detailing the events in a boy's life over the course of a year.

    Inexplicable Device - Fickle old slag.

  12. I think I may have to give that a whirl sometime.

    IDV don't even dare!

  13. Cyberpete - Do - it's not life-changing *amazing*, but it's intriguing and well-written.

    What-evah! Let him go!

  14. Hah! Fooled you. I'm going nowhere. You'll never get rid of me with puny old fly spray!

    * coughs a bit then resumes post behind sofa *

  15. Hah! The jokes on you, witchy! The sofa backs on to my breakfast bar - I can kick you while I'm eating dinner!

  16. But I'll have a view between your legs!

  17. Thanks, I will.

    Uhroh you've dunnit now Tim.

    Gotten IDV all excited about the prospect of looking at your crotch. I thought he had enough of that with the jeans photo you posted.

    The dirty old slag.

  18. Inexplicable Device - Not when I accidently kick you in the eyes!

    Cyberpete - He's terrible, isn't he? Maybe I could tip a hot casserole on him or something?
