Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I have the power!

How things change… for the last two years Sweatband has been my running guru, but now the pupil really has become the master: we did an 8.8km run last night, and during the last 2k or so Sweatband gave me permission to test my full potential rather than maintain a polite pace with her – and I did.

I finished a full minute ahead of her. I was like The Flash, but dressed slightly less ridiculously.

When she finally caught up with me she told me that I'm running the best she's ever seen me run (I don't know how she can really say that because I was, after all, a full minute ahead of her - BAM BAM!), which is a rather awesome compliment. And using some rudimentary maths based on my Nike+ data, she reckons she'll finish the forthcoming 10k in about 57 minutes, while I'm looking at something around 54, which is sweet because that would be a new personal best. 

On the other hand, as Marcosy pointed out today, she could be trying to lull me into a false sense of security; she has, after all, run the London marathon…

Maybe I'll have to resort to shoving her in the Thames if things are looking a bit close.


This is possibly the coolest thing EVAH: a lightsaber app for the iPhone. If you actually needed another reason to buy an iPhone, then I think this is a deal-maker.

Already today I've been practicing my sweet Jedi moves and threatening to colour in the face of my colleague BSH with a permanent marker so he looks like Darth Maul. And together with Scanner, we're already planning an awesome three-way Jedi dual when this thing is released.

Good times ahoy!


Thanks to the ever-awesome iPandah, I think I have a new obsession in the making…


  1. That sounds awesome! Congrats on the running!

    The lightsaber app sounds like something I'd consider getting.

  2. YAY first and second

  3. When I first read that bit about the light saber for your iPhone, I thought, "Why is that necessary?" But then after I read that it makes light saber sound effects, I was enlightened. That's pretty cool.

    When you were testing your speed, I could hear bionic sound effects in my head. Neh, neh, neh, neh, neh, neh....

  4. You get to choose your lightsabre colour to! I am so getting an iPhone when they come out!

    Flight of the Conchords! Do you like the ladies song on rollerskates?

    Good luck on the marathon!

  5. Cyberpete - You'd 'consider' the lightsaber app?! Dude, it's a MUST!

    Tara - It's *so* cool!! I can't wait for it to come out!! It would be very awesome if I could make bionic sounds … I wonder if I could download some for my iPod?!

    T-Bird - I know! How cool? I'm getting a Vader-stylee red one!

    I think I like all of the Conchords songs - they all seem pretty awesome, but the Robots one stuck out.

    I'm not running a marathon, it's just a 10k. Ha! Just!!! This time last year I was dreading it, but this year I'm so looking forward to it!

  6. OMG! Did you see who was the director of photography and assistant producer on that vid? None other than Patsy Stewart!!

    Before I clicked the phoneSaber link, I was expecting some kind of physical add on to make an iPhone look like a lightsaber. Instead, it's just a stupid picture (although the sound effects should be pretty cool). You're going to look like a Stupid waving your phone around.

  7. No, I can honestly say I did not notice that.

    As for the phonesaber - I'm going to look like a stupid waving my phone around? Like a lightsaber attachment would be less ridiculous. And anyway, don't you feel like a stupid with your gigantic 1997-era phone? You can only walk as far as the flex allows you to!

  8. Anonymous10:18 am

    I want to watch you and Scanner wave your phones about, I really do. Is there going to be trash talk?

  9. You want to see us wave our thingies around? Damn right they'll be trash talk!

  10. True a must!

    You know, I'd be up for watching you waving your thingy around Tim

    (HA! Beat you to it IDV)

  11. Anonymous8:27 pm

    Now who is going to whip whose ass? Whip it you must!

  12. You must whip it.

    Whip it, Whip it gooood!

  13. Tim - 'There'll' be trash talk, not 'they'll,' you dumb bitch.

    Cyberpete - I bet you would, you cheeky monkey!

    Watch*Paint*Dry - Don't encourage them!

    Cyberpete - Must I?

  14. You must!

    It's the gospel of Devo.

    It must be obeyed.

  15. *pictures Tim and T-Birdy in those funny red hats and whips*

  16. T-Bird - Yes, affirmative - unless it's a more coloquiel situation with a few Robo-friends.

    Cyberpete - Or dressed as Robots from the mid-90s!

  17. Or not dressed...

    * seethes at getting here after Tim's thingy has been waved around *

  18. Anonymous10:43 am

    I saw that typo too and was about to jump on it but was scared you would wave your thingy at me, or you and Scanner both would and I wouldn't know WHAT to do!

    I don't think they need any encouragement...

  19. Is Scanner Dave sexy? He sounds sexy.

  20. phonesabering sounds amazing!

    and congrats on your run - the only thing that would have made it more impressive was if you were actually dressed in that flash costume! next time?

  21. W*P*D, I'd only be scared of Tim waving his thingy at me if it really were as HUUUUGE as he said it was over at T-Bird's...

  22. your running thingamabob is faulty.

    hope your other thingamabob isn't. I hear (see above) it's HUUUUGE

  23. Watch*Paint*Dry - It's going to get waved at you anyway, m'dear. Brace yourself!

    T-Bird - No, not really. Though he laughs like Betty Rubble. Here he is in action.

    Missy&Chrissy - Doesn't it just?! As for the Flash costume - GOOD. GOD. NO. Tight red lycra isn't terribly flattering on the male form.

    Inexplicable Device - It might knock you out!

    Cyberpete - I know… I'll have a fiddle with it. My Nike thingy, not my other thingy.

  24. Hmmm. That hose trick was COMEDY GOLD! The video is grainy, but he looks rather cute!

  25. I think I could stand to be knocked out with your Huuuuge thingy...

    Before you do, I'd just like to add that boys and their hose tricks are *always* funny.
    Unless they use their other hoses, in which case they're just disgusting.

    * braces self for thwack in the face *

  26. Anonymous9:58 am

    IDV: That is precisely what I am worried about, I have heard stories.

    Tim: Don't make me cry!

  27. T-Bird - He's not, trust me.

    Inexplicable Device - You know my huge thingy is actually Mallet's mallet? Except it's a real mallet.

    Watch*Paint*Dry - Like I'd do that?!
