Monday, June 23, 2008

Dirty birds!

Sometimes, and by 'sometimes' I actually mean 'often,' I'm massively disgusted by the part of West London in which I work.

For gawd's sake, just look at this with your eyes!

Just look at those trampy pigeons beschnuffling each other in the Lyric Square fountain - or as I like to call it, The Tramp's Urinal. They've only started doing it recently, but now they seem to have developed something of a habit and sit there all the time - even when the water shoots up really high. 

Filthy buggers!


Right, I'm counting down to the 10k run on Sunday, and I'm intensely, and a little bit worringly, psyched up. And, hopefully, all the recent troubles with my Nike+ running kit and iPod Nano have been sorted - I booked an appointment at the Genius Bar in the Apple Store yesterday and their way of resolving the problem was just to give me a new running kit - hurrah! Of course, if the problem is with the iPod then I'll still have to buy a new Nano, but I'll only know that after I've been for another epic run … which I'm doing tonight! 

Oh, and the genius I spoke to looked just like Mohinder Suresh from Heroes.

Next task? I still have to put together my rock-tastic 10k playlist…


  1. Yay! First!

    Awww... Mohinder's so cute. Did you manage to refrain from squeezing his little cheeks or hugging him?

    Dirty birdies...

  2. Pigeons are filthy, and so are geese. It's like a toilet mine field trying to walk from point A to point B at my apartment. Blergh.

    Do you need music suggestions for your playlist, or are you all settled with that? I wish you all the best with the 10k and that your techie gadgets are all fully functional and ready to engage at your will!

  3. Birds scare me. But pigeons are disgusting. ew.

    Maybe your genius Mohinder Suresh could give you a new Nano too? Mohinder seems so nice and all.

    Did he sound like Mohinder because I really like his voice.

  4. Anonymous8:57 pm

    Pahleeaase don't tell me the Tramp is using the fountain as a urinal again! She has been warned about that sort of behaviour before. I hope you haven't been encouraging her...
    It looks a lot better than when they had all the chipboard and scaffolding...

  5. Suggested running tracks:

    Phoenix - Run Run Run
    Run Lola Run OST
    Bryan Adams - Gonna Run To You
    Roxette - She's Got The Look (ok nothing to do with running, it's just a great song)

  6. Did you eat Mohinder's brain? I bet you did, didn't you?

    Running choons: Guns N Roses November Rain. Because I am cackling at the mental image of you running to it.

  7. Inexplicable Device - No, but I punched his nose!

    Tara - Yeah, I'm up for some song suggestions!!

    Cyberpete - BIRDS SCARE YOU?! Explain! No nano handout, I'm afraid. Boo!

    Watch*Paint*Dry - What do you think? She runs through it like a speshul toddler, the TRAMP!

    Skillz - Wha, hello Sir! I've got the Phoenix song … funny, you kind of go from the sublime to the ridiculous there - ROXETTE?!

    T-Bird - No, I'd already had some breakfast. Good point … I keep meaning to 'borrow' my bro's GnR CDs!

  8. I find Mohinder so sexy. And I totally agree about his voice.

    Ooh, new stuff is exciting.

  9. You were lucky he didn't shoot in your eye- I mean, shoot you in your eye.

  10. Dinah - I find him one of the least interesting characters in Heroes. Maybe because his superpower seems to be an unerring ability to look constantly bewildered and be punched in the face.

    Inexplicable Device- Filth.

    Mind you if he had've shot me in the eye, I could've rubbed myself on Claire to get aroused. From my slumber, I mean.

  11. Okay, song suggestions..Not sure how many you'd like, but I'll just give you a short list for now:

    "Lose Yourself" by Eminem. I remember a coworker saying that she runs to that song because it's got a good "running beat" to it. I listened and it's true.

    "I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)" by The Proclaimer's. Just because it's a happy song.

    "Let's Get it Started" by The Black Eyed Peas. I suggested this song to someone else but for their bachelorette party, but it's a good song for any occasion!

  12. Ok. Explain irrational fear of birds and other airborn creatures (including bugs)

    I can't. I was once standing waiting for the bus and a pigeon came flying towards me. Next thing I know I was sitting behind a bin waving my arms around like a special.

  13. You need suggestions for the pornPod? How about Paula Abduls "Dance Like There's No Tomorrow"? It's actually quite catchy and energetic.

  14. Tara - Lose yourself is a good one! I think I've got that somewhere…

    I'm going to pass on The Proclaimers simply because I just can't *stand* them, and I'm vetoing the BEP too, but thanks for the suggestions!

    Cyberpete - On the bird front: OK…

    Paula Abdul? She's been dead to me since she didn't reunite with the dancing cat.

  15. Anonymous9:30 am

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Anonymous9:33 am

    Sorry about deleting there - I did a duff link.

    I was saying that pigeons do my nut in. Look at these filthy ruffians:

  17. Ugh! That's like the Paul McCartney/Heather Mills story in pigeon form!
