Monday, April 07, 2008

Hair update 05: Indiana Jones edition!

In glorious 1930s-style sepia tones! Next!


  1. Hold onto your potatoes Dr Jones!

    Le awesome.

  2. Thanks Short Round!

  3. whoohoo - best one yet! if you had on a different shirt and were holding a whip, i'd have thought i stumbled upon a still from the new movie...

    indy would be proud.

  4. Damn! I've got a green shirt - I should've gone totally method!!

  5. Sparky is Ian Brown and I claim my five pounds!

  6. Yowzers, that IS glorious! I can already hear the theme song, Indiana!

  7. Now all you need to do is photoshop in a massive boulder behind you. Just for authenticity...

    So uh, when is Freddy Krueger going to appear? Or Pizza the Hut?

  8. Awesome! No idea what your hair looks like, but the picture is great. Strong and handsome but also dark and mysterious!

  9. dinah's right...where is the hair in this update?! next week we need a tarzan-shot so your growing locks can take centerstage.

  10. Short Round - Have you got cards up your sleeve?

    Tara - Da da da daaaaah, da da daaaah!

    T-Bird - I did actually think about the boulder, but then kinda forgot about it. I also just thought I could've used a length of electrical flex as a whip.

    As for Krueger … I could just photoshop Indy and Wolverine together!

    Dinah - I know, I did say that the hat would kinda conceal my hair a few weeks ago, but the maddening crowd demanded it!

    Missy&Chrissy - It's not quite long enough for Tarzan!

  11. And just what, praytell is electrical flex?

    I am crossing my fingers and hoping that this will turn into another tittywank episode.

    I am hoping in vain, aren't I?

  12. Dude, you so are. It's just electrical cord with a plug on the end.

    Sorry to dash your hopes!

  13. Anonymous9:45 am

    Cheekbones! You beeeaaauuuttiiifffuuulllll Indy!
    ;> You been playing with photobooth?

  14. Awesome pic! Cool hat! Perhaps MJ can lend you one of her whips...or some of her garden gnomes to pose as hostile natives in the background!

    *Suddenly struck with a hankering for animal crackers, especially the monkey shaped ones!*

  15. And The Sexiness returns with a vengeance! I knew it was just a blip.

    Watch*paint*dry: Those are some awesome cheekbones, aren't they? I've always been a fan!

  16. Watch*Paint*Dry - You *know* I've been on the photobooth - it's the only thing that makes this ridiculous hair-charting thing possible!

    And: *blushes*

    Eroswings - The hat's all photoshop - I stole it off Harrison Ford! Some angry gnomes would be cool though - would really set the atmosphere!

    Inexplicable Device - ACK! He's back! Do you want my cheeks to sign an autograph?

  17. Anonymous11:39 pm

    Lol you stole Indy's hat! That's ok because I renamed the movie today, now called 'Indy and his Dad' because I couldn't fit the whole movie title on one line. (Doing Connery feature).
    Wonder if anyone will spot it? hmmm

    I am quite like the x-ray effect on PB, not very popular at work but very very funny.

    Inexplicable Device: I bet you have! ;>

  18. That's not your hat? Wow. I was too busy looking at the cheekbones and pretty, pretty eyes to realize.

  19. I wish I had cheekbones like that. Mine are definitely not chiselled. Nice jaw too.


    Why do boys get the best bone structure?

  20. One word for that: HAWT!

    But what's with the Adidas stripes, Indy doesn't wear that.

    Still awesome though. Made my day for sure.


  21. Watch*Paint*Dry – Well, he hasn't used it for 19 years - how was I to know he'd want it back?

    Maybe I could use the X-ray effect for a future hair update?!

    Dinah - No, it's not! It was CGI'd onto my head using the wonders of movie magic!! And you flatter me!

    *blushes again*

    T-Bird - I got them off eBay.

    Cyberpete - He doesn't!? I could've sworn I saw him in a pair of three-stripe tracky pants and a hoody in at least one of the films. Maybe it was a cut scene?

  22. That must be in the special edition DVD

    I haven't seen it, that's for sure.

    Love the hat, it looks like you are a little better with photoshop than I am

    only a little, mind.

  23. Where's the pit of snakes and punji sticks????

  24. Cyberpete - I spent two and a half years using photoshop day in, day out, so if I couldn't photoshop a hat on my head something would've been seriously wrong!

    Dora - You can't see that I'm balancing above a pit of snakes and punji sticks, one leg on either side? Damn - I should've moved the camera down a bit!

  25. You took my point? Can I have it back?

  26. But that would have also shown your crotch...and well, there's enough people gagging around here to catch a glimpse of that....


  27. * gagging *

    * and not in a vomitty way *
