Sunday, November 18, 2007

Duvet days

It's suddenly turned cold recently; not in the "ooo, it's a bit chilly - I think I'll zip my jacket up" cold, rather "it's so cold I could probably have someone's eye out with my nipples" cold.

I'd say "so much for global warming," but then I'd look silly if we were all back to vests and shorts tomorrow.

Anyway, despite trying to hold out as long as I could, I've finally taken two steps this week to combat the cold: I've fired up my little radiator, and I've put on my Michael Buble (which is rhyming slang for double duvet). I *love* my double duvet; the first night after I put it on always make me feel like an elephant's sat on me in the night - it's that heavy. But it's super snuggily, and by the second night I'm embracing the weight and extra warmth. 

So yes, I'm giving in and admitting that winter has struck. Which is OK, because I like winter; I like wrapping up warm and walking about. I like the grey skies, and I like the fact that I can get home and huddle up on the sofa. I like bowls of porridge and mugs of warm milk. Ooo, Horlicks…

The only downside is the fact that once I get in I'm much less inclined to go out again. I haven't been for a run in two weeks, and I think the birthday excuse is running a bit thin (which reminds me, I should probably take my cards down). Oh, who cares; I've been busy in the last week, anyway. One thing that's definitely going to keep me in the house is that I bought a sexy new iMac! I made a snap decision on Friday, rocked up to the Apple Store and bought one on the spot. It's groovy, and the hand-over period between old and new has been pretty seamless. They're sitting next to each other as I type, although the old one best not get too comfortable because it's off to pastures new when I can find a buyer.

I'm determined with this new one to use it to the fullest of its immense capabilities, which is going to be a bit of a challenge to a techno-retard like me, but there should be interesting times ahead. At the very least it has the sexiest keyboard I've ever seen in my life, so my fingers will have some fun. And a little remote, which is cool. Hell, I could even video-blog. Um, on second thoughts, maybe the world's not ready to see me all disheveled on a Saturday morning sitting here drinking a cup of tea and scratching myself? OK, I'll use some of its abilities…


  1. Tee hee! Thats sounds exactly like my Saturday mornings!

  2. Winter is definitely better sleeping weather. I'd rather be buried in a tunnel of cozy covers than having to kick them off as if I'm having a pre-menopausal hot flash. I like to have the window open in the winter if it's not too, too cold. You can keep your birthday cards up until December. Doesn't that sound official? It's not, I just figured you didn't have to take down your cards just yet.

  3. T-Bird - Good times!!

    Tara - I agree, though I'm less inclined to get out of bed in winter! Sadly I think the cards have to come down now otherwise I'd keep making birthday excuses for things!!

  4. Heh. We just learned how to make podcasts in my information technology class, and at first I was like "all right! I can do podcast blog posts!" and then I was like, "hmm, I don't think everyone's ready to actually hear how my voice really is."

    Yay on the new computer.

    Also: I'm glad you explained it, because I thought you were just lying around, listening to Michael Buble a lot.

  5. It's snowing in Northampton I'm told!

    I still owe you a birthday card. Although I've now spent so long not posting it that I might as well save it for next year.

  6. Dinah - Do it! I want to hear the first Dinah Says Nothing podcast!! We all do! DO IT!!

    Inexplicable Device - Serves you right for perving.

    Willowc - It was snowing in Birmingham, if the photos on the BBC website were to be believed! Amazing what you can do with Photoshop these days…

    You do? You do! Make it a Christmas one instead!

  7. As long as you don't mind tippex on the message?

  8. How festive - it'll look like snow!

  9. If you have any Tippex left over, I need to touch up my legs - Cover the bruises.

  10. Gosh, it's like a scene from Death Becomes Her…

  11. Pass that can of undercoat, would you?

  12. When your finished with it, hand it this way. I found out on the weekend that I am paler than a real UK denizen.

    Yes, that's right. I live in the Dorothea McKeller's sunburned country, and I am paler than a pommy.

  13. You're not your!!!

    Ugh! I can't believe I made that mistake!

  14. Inexplicable Device - Why don't you just get the stuff that doesn't need undercoat? It's so much easier!

    T-Bird - No way! Get yourself out in front of that glowing ball in the sky!

    And we forgive you for the your/you're. Just. This. Once.

  15. I want an iMac! Even though I'm writing this on a new Macbook, you can never have too much Apple in your life!

    I heard Michael Buble doing some strange Howard Moon-esque jazz improvisation today on 'The Jazz'. It freaked me out something rotten. Shudder.

  16. It's totally the sexiest thing I've ever bought! Unless I was to buy this, perhaps. I'm soooooo pleased with it (that's the iMac, not the other thing).

    I quite like the Buble!
