Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Dilemma time

OK, ever get an offer that sounds too good to be true? I have this week. Admittedly it's not quite too good to be true, but the cynic in me immediately notched it up as something to be immediately suspicious of. Like a stranger talking to you in public. Beware of stranger danger.

Anyway, so the offer comes from my electrickery company - y'know, the ones that effectively stranded me in the dark ages a few Saturdays ago when one of their rickety old cables ripped itself a new one. I received a letter from them this week basically saying that they were 'giving something back' to all their loyal customers; enclosed was a flower-shaped coupon with the following four petal options:

• They will donate 20 quid to a charity of their choice.
• They will give you (or rather me) a 20 quid voucher to spend in the carbon-neutral online store.
• They will give you (or rather… oh, you get the idea) a 2o quid Argos voucher.
• They will lop 20 squids off my bill.

And they also enclose a sticker of a bee to place over the petal option of your choice. It's a 'free-bee,' y'see. Do you see?

In reviewing those options I immediately dismissed the carbon-neutral store voucher. I mean, what exactly would they sell - some hemp pants woven by Woody Harrelson? Hmmm… And I'm shocked to say that I initially junked the charity offer - as much as I approve of donating to charity, I like to choose which charity I donate to. So that leaves the Argos voucher and the discounted bill. I'm plumping for the bill discount because ultimately I have no desire to buy chunky chav-man jewelry from Elizabeth Duke.


I've somehow convinced myself that there's more to this offer than actually meets the eye - like maybe those who choose the charity option will ultimately get some awesome super-gift, because undoubtedly the take-up on that option will be tiny tiny, and the electrickery company is testing me. Do I go for the short-term gain of a discount, or the spiritually-uplifting charity option? It's an interesting dilemma that I've pondered over for the last week.

Anyway, long story short, I'm totally going for the discount because I'm nothing if not a self-centred Scrooge McDuck wannabe.


  1. Don't be dissing the Argos, that voucher would have you halfway to a 3-piece suite, you know.

    OK maybe that's not such a good thing.

  2. So discounted bill it is then!

  3. IF Argos means the crappy Toronto-based football team that I'm sure it probably doesn't, then stay away from that one.

  4. The discount! The discount!

    Do you really think the Electrickery Company will give you a Super Awesome Free Gift if you chose the charity option?

    No. And the charity will be themselves.

  5. its an appropriate time of the year to act like go with the discount!

    and i think the "free bee" sticker is hilarious. i'd try and keep that sticker if i were you - its almost as good as the discount!

  6. Dinah - Different Argos! Argos over here is a catalogue store - you go in, choose what goods you want from their laminated book of dreams, and they bring it out from a magical back room. It sounds more exciting than it actually is.

    Inexplicable Device - Scarily, you and I are thinking along similar lines.

    Christina - I totally am going for the discount. Unfortunately the bee must go in order to show what free gift I want. A shame - he's quite a delightful little character!

  7. Definitely the discount. As long as you are wearing a Scrooge McDuck scowl.

  8. T-Bird - I'm pretty much rubbing myself with money like Scrooge McDuck (though substitute his money pit with one and two pence pieces being shaken out of my money box over me and you get the general idea).

  9. That sounds...weird! The catalogue store, I mean, not the picture of you rubbing yourself with coins.

    Well, actually...

  10. Oh, I don't know, Dinah.

    If you need a hand, Tim...

  11. Dinah - In hindsight it is a bit of an odd concept, though I expect it cuts down on shoplifting.

    Inexplicable Device - No, quite fine as I am, thanks. But cash donations are always welcome!

  12. If you go for the discounted bill, then you'll have more money to spend on a charity yourself! It all works out! A discounted bill is a very nice surprise.

  13. Tara - Totally went for the discount!
