Monday, January 08, 2007


...Back with a bang!

Actually, that's a bit of a lie, it's just that I sort of feel like I haven't written anything in a while and I wanted to say "awwwwright" in a Mick Jagger fashion.




To be honest I've not been up to too much. Truth be told this cold-thing is still lurking around, and my ears are still bunged up by it. I'm not trying to illicit any sympathy (because gawd knows you've all been kind enough to wish me well so far), I just want to shake it.

Or strangle it.

Maybe crush it?

On the plus side I did cough into an envelope that I then sent to my Nemesis, so hopefully that'll do something amazing.

I did go for a run with Sweatband yesterday - five miles up Richmond Hill, then along the river. I must be freakin' nuts, because Sweatband has kicked up to insane-mode in preparation for her marathon training, and seeing as this was my first run in about three weeks and I'm still not feeling 100% she was a spot in the distance within about five minutes. A hardcore, sweary spot in the distance. Fortunately the pay-off was a cup of tea and some time with Jude the dude later.

I've also been playing a lot of Xbox, and by 'playing a lot of Xbox' I actually mean 'living out my long-held Captain Kirk fantasy scenario of controlling the Enterprise and blowing other people's ships up.' It's crazy, I know, but at least it stops me from zooming my model Enterprise around the bedroom while making "whooshing" noises. Erm... if I, um, zoomed my model... er, Enterprise... around...


So anyway, Star Trek: Legacy is a blast, particularly as I'm getting quite adept at shooting people's warp nacelles off and leaving them adrift in space - muwahahahaha!!!

Another *good thing* is the fact that I'm writing like a man possessed. Every lunchtime since my return to work has been spent sketching out the plot of my forthcoming novel, or to be more precise, writing specific scenes that will be pretty pivotal to the plot; that way, I can type them up and make minor rewrites as I go - hurrah!

In related news... Grum's pondering the action-adventure premise that I wrote last week with a view to doing some character sketches - maybe something I'll whack up on my comicspace page? And I've been thinking about posting the premise up here, because it's reasonably short... anyone interested?


  1. Aww, how sweet of you to send your Nemesis an envelope full of germs. Hehe...Muah ha ha ha...I like it.

  2. That's deliciously perfect.

    ALso: Kudos on the writing.

    And I hope you feel better soon.

  3. Also, I think that I am super empathetic because I read this a few hours ago, then went to bed and now woke up with a plugged ear. Ha!

  4. Need you even *ask* about action adventure premises? What else are blog buddies for, other than giving you unwanted advice?

    Go, on... do it! Especially if there are sketches and pictures!

  5. Tara - I know, I'm nothing if not considerate! I don't cough into envelopes for just anyone, you know...

    Dinah - Thanks! And sorry to hear about your ear - you don't need me to tell you how uncomfortable and disconcerting it can be. My only advice is try to yawn - it sometimes helps it pop back, and it can lead to amusing situations while talking to friends and colleagues!

    T-Bird - Then I'm damn well gonna do it! There won't be any pics until next week at the earliest though... but then it might be quite nice to see how the pics compare to your idea of the character...!

  6. Not those damn ears of yours again...somebody wants you to be in a constant state of not being able to hear properly and I suspect...your nemesis!

    Your nemesis sent you an envelope full of germs a while back and has been laughing it up ever since.

    Time to take action of the blowing things up variety.

  7. Yes, my damn ears! I'm wondering why they human body isn't as user-serviceable as it should be. I mean, this problem could be solved if I could unscrew my head and wash it out in the kitchen sink...

    On the otherhand, I do suspect the Nemesis could be involved, now that you mention it... I shall send in the winged monkeys with their death rays!!!

  8. This writing while possessed thing must quite annoying at times. I mean, does your head spin around occasionally? Do you projectile vomit pea soup? Do you insult friends/colleagues by telling them their mother is a teacher in Cheshire?

    And, post the premise! Post The Premise!
