Friday, January 05, 2007

Confused and upset

So the first working week of the new year is over, and how was it?

Well, to tell you the truth it went reasonably smoothly against all expectations. I thought I'd be rushed off my little feet, but I wasn't massively so, and everything's been... OK!

(On the otherhand, I wouldn't say no to a couple more weeks of telly, Xbox, and, well, presents, but you can't have it all, can you?)

On the downside, my Nemesis did call me at the end of play today, adopting his annoying chirpy and happy voice, but I was quite cold and distant and managed to get rid of him before he wanted to end the conversation. He does go on, you see; the sort of conversation that you or I could have in about two minutes he stretches out to about 15. I honestly don't think he's got any friends, and he thinks I'm some sort of substitute. Kind of like when a dog adopts an orphaned lamb. I'm not a dog, however. Think of me more like the farmer about to bang a metal pipe on the lamb's head, cut it up, wrap it in clingfilm, and pop it on a shelf in Tesco.

Where was I? Oh yes. Perhaps the only troubling thing about work this week is that, having started back on Tuesday I'm convinced that today is Thursday, and am worried I'll be on my way to the office at 7am tomorrow. And I'm not even sure 7am even exists on a Saturday. It's things like this that lead to looting and rioting, and before we know it the Earth has plunged into the fiery depths of the Sun.


So that's the confused bit covered - how about the upset.

The upset?

Yes, the upset. THEY. CANCELLED. THE. OC.


To be honest, it pretty much looked like it was on the cards, so it wasn't too much of a shock. Hell, I was braced for Star Trek: Enterprise to be cancelled in the second season, and that went on to four, just as The OC has. The final series starts on E4 next week, so expect an emotional OC retrospective in about 16 weeks - at, I expect, about the same time everyone stops reading this...


Sainsbury's have been telling me to 'try something different' for a long time now, so I finally took their advice.

I went to Waitross instead.


I did a bit of a double take on the drive home tonight. I went past a shoe shop and was convinced they'd branched out into a new market - cosmetic surgery for the ladies, to be precise. Silly me, though, the sign actually said 'boots reduced!'


  1. I get the confusion thing too. I sometimes even wake up at 2am because my alarm went off in a dream and get out of bed.

    Very disorientating.

  2. Ha! You all know what I am!

    Sorry about The OC - perhaps there'll be some kind of stick on patch for the withdrawl symptoms? At least you got 4 seasons worth. When my favourite show, Now & Again was cancelled, there was barely even one season - Stupid, non-viewing Americans...

    So, how was Waitrose?

    And remind me not to get orphaned any where in your vicinity...

    Oh. I'm not that thing that I thought I was as I see Skillz has managed to sneak in while I was fighting with logging in - bastarding log in thingy!

  3. Skillz - That's, erm, impressive! Unfortunately I'm able to turn my alarm clock off in my sleep. I've had to resort to putting it on the other side of the room!

    Inexplicable Device - I'm holding up reasonably well at the moment, but I expect emotion will overcome me around the time of the final episode, and I'll feel the need to, I don't know, punch a wall or something?

    What was Now & Again - it rings bells but I can't think what it was. U.S. TV does annoy me in the fact that they axe anything that's not an instant hit. Dark Skies and Space: Above and Beyond were other favourites of mine - both lasted a season, but were left SO open-ended.

    Waitrose is always good. Pricey, but good.

    And don't worry - I wouldn't whack you on the head with a metal pole; unless you were my Nemesis masquerading as a lamb!

  4. The US is very cancel-happy. Now and actually on my TV at this moment! (in syndication, but still). I heard of the OC and, really, it made me sad even though I only and again.

  5. It is, isn't it? I sometimes wish British telly was too...

    I still have no idea what Now and Again is.

    You should definitely watch The OC, Dinah. Hell, maybe even pick up the DVDs! There's reason it was my favourite show of 2006!!

  6. I have watched it, in bouts of great frequency, it was just my awkward phrasing that made it seem not so. I like Taylor. She's awesome.

  7. Now and Again is possibly THE BEST SHOW IN EXISTENCE - and to quote a phrase. or word, actually - EVAH!

    Plus, Eric Close is just perfect. Absolutely perfect!

  8. There are a lot of Now and Again jokes going on in this comment section. I actually do know of this show IDV - and in true style it was cut short for another cop show...

    Sorry Tim, The OC and I can't be friends...we've tried it and decided to go our seperate ways....

  9. Dinah - Taylor is awesome... Maybe she could get a spin-off... or appear in Josh Schwartz's new show about spies?

    Inexplicable Device - Oh, crikey - I know what you mean now - I actually caught about 20 minutes of an episode last week while round Ma and Pa's! Eric Close (who up until Without a Trace appears to have lurched from one cancelled show to another) kept making Batman quips, which I found quite amusing. And some little kid followed him back to his secret base or something.

    Dora - Not liking The OC is OK; in addition, I'm being MADE to go my separate ways from it now...

  10. I am so glad they killed Mischa. Now they just need to find a satisfying way to dispose of Julie Cooper.

  11. T-Bird - Nooooooooo! I HEART Julie Cooper big time. Seriously - I would marry that woman in an instant.

  12. I was hooked on a show called "Dead Like Me", a dark comedy about a girl who gets recruited as a grim reaper. It was the only reason I subscribed to one of the pricey movie channels. After two blissful seasons, they dropped it. I boycotted the channel by unsubscribing, which also saved me money. Then I used that saved money and bought the first season on DVD. That showed em. ;)

  13. Ha ha ha!!! Ah, Tara, glad to see I'm not the only one who boycotts TV and stands up for their principles by buying the DVDs instead - brilliant!!!

  14. Dead Like Me was fantastic! I've just been trawling the ether for the second series on region 2 DVD but it seems only the first has been released. Bah! I don't want to buy series 1 if I can't see 2 too.

    Which channel was N & A on? Which? Why am I missing it?

  15. Dead like me... another show I've probably seen but not really noticed!!

    Now and Again was on one of the pointless ITV channels... ITV 3? Lord knows!

  16. ITV3: pointless until now!
