Saturday, November 04, 2006

Stop humping the keyboard: The Feeling at Shepherds Bush Empire!

'Tis gig day! And, to be honest, the first in quite a while - there was a time, many moons ago, when Yaz and I were gigging pretty much every week. Not so anymore, but hey - that made tonight all the more special!

And tonight was: The Feeling!

This is my third time seeing them this year after a very small gig at the 100 Club in Oxford Street back in February/March, which was in turn followed by their support slot at the Nada Surf gig at the end of March. That did not diminish that little pre-gig thrill I always get, though.

So Yaz and I rendezvoused at 17:40 (she'd tell you that I was late which is *SO* not true), and we stormed down to the Bush where we grabbed a McDonalds for a quick lifespan reducing dinner on the go. Yaz even bought two apple pies for 99p, which led us to scour Shepherds Bush Green for a reasonably respectable looking homeless person to give it to (homeless people are two-a-penny in the Bush, but finding one that looks like he wouldn't trade it for some crack is pretty goddamned difficult). I thought about suggesting that we make two homeless people fight over it, but time being of the essence meant that I'll save that little gem of an idea for another time...

Anyway, mission successful (Yaz even warned him to let it cool for a bit so that he didn't burn his dirty little fingers on it), we jumped into the queue, and, well, queued. Over the years, Yaz and I have developed a little plan to getting our prefered seats in the Empire. Basically, I get my ticket checked first, while she holds the queue up by having to get her immensely massive handbag checked for WMDs or some such thing; I've seen people fall into that thing and never come out it's so big.

So, again, mission successful. While waiting for the support we settled back for some convivial conversation about... God, I haven't got a freakin' clue? We talk about such inane topics... Oh, yes, for some reason we did talk about trying to smuggle some raw meat into the Empire, but why we would even think about that completely escapes me.


Anyway, the support act were Captain, who I kind of liked, even if their street team had given me a flyer promising three free downloads from the myspace page - although I subsequently discovered that the offer EXPIRED LAST MONTH. Harumph. I won't hold that against them (much), because they were reasonably enjoyable, and the lady band member was wearing no shoes and an ill-fitting dress. Good times.

On to the main act: The Feeling were, as usual, awesome live. They're actually one of those bands whose songs I love, but I feel that their album is a little bit too slickly produced. Live, though, they're super-rockingly great; hell, they even did an amazing cover of Video Killed the Radio Star! The lead singer is a bit nutty, spinning and whirling all over the place like the Tazmanian Devil; I actually thought he was going to wipe out the other guitarist at one point. At the end he was jumping off amps, throwing his jacket at the drummer by accident, and even dry-humping the keyboard, which is a sight I didn't really think I'd witness in my lifetime.

And - how great is this? - they recorded the frikkin' gig and we got to buy a double CD set of it immediately after it finished! I'm listening to it again now!

Here's some freakin' pictures:

Honest to God it does say THE FEELING there, it just got kinda bleached out.

This is Captain. They were good, but not enough to make me buy their album. Maybe I would've been swayed by some FREE DOWNLOADS, hmmmm?

Rock on!

More, um, rocking on...

...And the crowd goes wild - WOO-HOO!

I don't know what's going on here, but it kind of looks like that bit at the beginning of Superman The Movie when Marlon Brando shoots his kid into space.


  1. Oh god - I'm first on here too. Where the hell is everyone???

    Anyway - free downloads would have made that a sweet, sweet deal. Pity they TRICKED you into a false sense of free downloads.

    I have not heard of this band - should I? I will investigate my own version of "free" downloads right now....

  2. Free downloads would've made it a sweet deal - I might just get onto trading standards about false advertising!

    You should definitely investigate The Feeling, Captain... not so much...

  3. Are you sure they're not getting vaporised by intensely powerful lasers in that last pic?

  4. They could be... although they did play some more songs after, so they must be impervious to intensely powerful lasers (who isn't?).

  5. I will be investigating The Feeling as well, since I am sadly behind the times.

    Good pictures, though.

  6. Dinah - I reckon you will like The Feeling; in fact, if you don't love their song 'Fill my little world' I might just cry.

  7. Gigs away!!!!!!!

    That looked and sounded like a good 'un!

  8. I investigated my own version of "free" downloads and The Feeling were really, really cool.

    More investigation required on Captain or whatever they call themselves.

  9. Haven't been to the Shep Empire yet. But I'm seeing Half Man Half Biscuit there in December, which I imagine will be rather different from The Feeling...

  10. No tears needed, Tim. I haven't found that song yet, but all the other songs I've found have been amazingly good.

    I'm listening to Love it When You Call right now.

  11. Humph! I posted a comment here earlier and now it's gone!


    Miss T - It did, and it was!

    Dora - I'm intrigued by your "free" downloads!! I wouldn't make a massive effort to checkout Captain - they were OK but not amazing. And, I don't think they should be allowed to use that rank. 'Private' or 'lieutenant' would be more applicable.

    Will - The Empire is a great venue; small enough to feel intimate, big enough to create an atmosphere. And yes, I think it probably will be a little bit different to The Feeling!

    Dinah - They're good, eh? I should be on commission!

  12. Maccy apple pies are great. you can squeeze the filling into a serviette when nobody is looking then pretend to sneeze into it. then open it up in front of everyone and watch them recoil in horror.

  13. Aaaah, Skillz, that's frikkin' gross!

    ...And yet: WHAT A GREAT IDEA!

    Next time we're so not wasting that spare pie on a homeless dude. It'll be sneez-o-rama time!!!
