Thursday, November 02, 2006

A most unusual barista

For a variety of bizarre reasons, mainly consisting of Yaz faffing about trying to find an appealing sandwich and dragging me around and around and around Boots the Chemist, lunchtime coffee got a tad truncated today. So, rather than head over to Secret Starbucks, we decided to try the most recently opened and conveniently located of Hammersmith's three Starbucks, which is located just along from chavvy ol' Primark.

The décor is traditional Starbucks, but it has a nice airy feel to it, and lots of big cushiony things. Yaz also complemented them on the quality of the foam on her coffee (she's all about the foam, let me tell you). In fact, everything combined to almost be enough to make us shift our allegiance to this branch - almost, but I think they were trying a little too hard...

Whhhhhy? Well let me tell you. They have obviously scanned my brain in an effort to cater this branch to my peculiar/particular tastes. The cushioned stools, you see, looked exactly like the U.S.S. Enterprise's escape pods from Star Trek: First Contact. Look:

Some Starbuck's stools in space (seriously, if you wrapped the top in leather that's exactly what they'd look like).

Anyway, that wasn't the most obvious example. Because the barista who served me was Lwaxana Troi's servant, Mr. Homn.

It was uncanny. But I'm definitely going back to Secret Starbucks tomorrow because, to be honest, it's a bit freaky to be served by a seven foot smiley-faced mute.


  1. I LOVE Mr. Homn. Lwaxana, too, but Mr. Homn...mmmm. I want a manservant.

  2. I didn't know she married Odo!

    I love Odo.

  3. Oh god - I saw reference to Sci-Fi and freaked out. I couldn't even read this post.


  4. Dinah - You could get Mr. Homn to do your college work for you AND get you pumpkin lattes!

    Miss T - She married Odo - can you believe it?!

    Dora - Don't worry, normal service will resume soon!!!

  5. Do you know, I've always thought those escape pods would make good furniture. If they were shrunk somewhat, that is.

  6. I was almost late for my midterm because I got swept up in poking around that star trek site. Not that I would have missed much, but I like to keep up my academic pretense at least some of the time.

  7. Inexplicable Device - Someone once said to me that they felt Liberace should sit at one, and ever since then I just think of them as grand pianos...

    Dinah - At least you were doing research... admittedly not about a subject relevent to your education, but research nonetheless!!!
