Friday, September 29, 2006

Sparky Malarkey exclusive: iPod phone revealed!

Yes, you read that right - Sparky Malarkey has THE FIRST exclusive pictures of Apple's stunning new iPod phone. The device is expected to feature all the functions that today's crazy kids demand - including a bewildering array of annoying ringtones and enough memory to store every single hippety-hoppity song ever recorded.

And as you'll see below, it's all wrapped up in a compact yet devilishly stylish package.

Like me, I expect you're pooping your undercrackers at the thought of bagging one of these little babies!

And there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY that's an old Nokia and an iPod taped together. Honest.


  1. Sign me up for one!!!!!

    Oh, and FIRST.

  2. You'd undoubtedly be the talk of the town with one of these hot tickets held to your ear while it's pumpiing out banging tunes!

  3. OMG! That's my phone - obviously not the whole i-pod extravaganza bit, but the phone bit. I didn't think any of those were still alive? I thought I had the only one... Bah! Not special anymore. Well, maybe a bit special...

  4. Ha ha! For better or for worse, you're still special - I stopped using that phone back in 2004... I just keep it around for stupid things like taping it to an iPod!!

  5. I want that. Now. I would do questionable things for one of those.

  6. Get in line Dinah - there appears to be a waiting list now!!

    I need to get some more tape...
