Thursday, September 28, 2006

A date for your diaries...

Remember I was saying that I'm going to be on the radio? Well, I haven't actually received my copy of the documentary yet, so I can't say for certain if I'm going to come across as a complete spacker or not. But I've decided that you can make up your own mind:

Star Trek - Where No-One Has Gone Before

Comedian and Star Trek fan Stewart Lee takes us on a journey to the final frontier, with a look at the phenomenal science fiction series, marking 40 years since it began, from its conception, to its worldwide popularity. How its creator, Gene Roddenberry, injected his humanist values into the show, and the various ways that the groundbreaking series made television history, throughout its five incarnations.

This documentary also discusses the mighty power of the loyal fan base and the ways that Star Trek reflected scientific fact, inspiring countless physicists.

With contributions from actors Leonard Nimoy, Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, astronomer Patrick Moore, the shows producer Rick Berman, and passionate fans, such as Tracey Emin and Gary Numan. Plus input from Red Dwarf's Hattie Hayridge and the comedian Mitch Benn.

(And me)

Radio 2, Tuesday October 3rd, 2030 hours, soldier (anyone outside of Her Majesty's Empire, I think it'll go up online sometime next week).

Chances are that I WILL sound like a complete spacker, so enjoy it, kids. Because elsewhere I'm actually quite suave and sophisticated.


  1. FIRST!

    Damn! I haven't lost the touch!

    Don't worry about sounding sophisticated. Most people sound all crazy when recorded. We'll just tell you sweet little lies about that anyway....

  2. Yay! First again!

    I'll get my anti-spacker device ready for when I listen in on Monday - I can't wait! How exciting.

  3. Shit! I got delayed and Miss H beat me.

    * sulks *

  4. Oh, IDV. You are still fabulousness incarnate! First is only a state of mind, baby.

  5. Miss Haversham - Whoa! In out of nowhere with a classic "first!" Nicely done!! Thanks, I like forward to you all lying to me - unless I sound awesome, in which case be brutally honest!

    Inexplicable Device - Damn! Not only were you out-firsted, you'll be listening to the documentary on the wrong day! It's Tuesday - unless you HAVE perfected a time-travelling device...

  6. WTF? It's all over except for some shouting and someone doing a "mah-ha-ha" evil laugh.

    I just read about your ear wax...that is gross, but is it getting any better?

    I will be honest - and I only know 1 type of honest and that is brutal...mah ha ha

  7. Um, it's sorta better... To be honest my hearing is coming and going since I put the drops in. On the plus side that allows me to selectively hear what I want to... heh heh heh...

    I'm looking forward to a huge lump of wax just plopping out. I'll take a photo of it.

    I like your honesty, dammit!

  8. You will have to make something out of the ear wax. Okay, yes that is gross, but also really cool!

    What other time are you going to have ear wax fall out of your head in such a large cluster???? Make the most it and style it into something. Then take a photo of it.

  9. I was thinking about fashioning it into a small facsimile of me. Kind of like a Mini-me. Made of wax.

    Not odd at all, huh?

  10. Not at all!!! It might be a little gross, but it would be cool and funny. Well I would get a laugh out of it.

    Do it Tim!!!! A mini-you out of wax that came from your own ear. That's Comedy Gold right there!!!

  11. You know what!? I WILL!

    It's going to be super! I'll pose it on my sofa, we can go running together (it clinging to my back like Yoda does on Luke's in Empire Strikes Back) - oh, the hilarity that will ensue!

    Just need to get it out of my ear! Do they do head C-sections?

  12. If you close your mouth and pinch your nose then try and exhale, will it not shoot out of your ear and splat against the wall? I can't wait to see pics of that!

    I wouldn't say my time travel device is perfect, close though. Close enough to get to 02/10/06, which is Monday. Tuesday is 03/10/06...

  13. That's a cracking idea! On the downside, though, it could cause my head to explode...

    EEK! THIRD!!!! I MEANT THE 3RD!!!!!!!

  14. I am so excited for this. Definitely the highlight of my next week. And that's just even the fact that it exists. If I actually hear it...I don't know what might happen.

  15. Oh, Dinah, don't get too excited - no doubt there'll just be a short clip of me saying "STAR TREK'S GREAT!" like I'm a squirrel on helium.

    I'm veering between being super-excited and dreading it...!
