Saturday, August 26, 2006

You, me and Dupree sucked

I've just got back from another jaunt to the cinema (such a whore to the big screen...) which saw Jo and I watching You, me and Dupree.


I mean it was JUST NOT FUNNY. And I'm not one to take the mickey out of someone's appearance, but what is going on with Owen Wilson's hair?! And don't get me started on his nose! I just don't get it!! It was a bad film. Although the two old ladies sitting just along from us seemed to like it if their constant giggling was anything to go by (either that or they'd been hitting the sherry beforehand).

No, I must say that John Tucker Must Die was a far superior film. Talking of which, I've still not got a response from Sophia Bush for my friend request on Myspace.

Sophia - 'mail me, let's talk. Do you want to come to Ikea?


  1. Ikea. The new date place. "Can I interest you in a LACK?"

    Actually don't say that. It sounds dirty and that can't be good on a first date.

    You, Me and Dupree sucked, eh? Haven't seen it....and perhaps that is for the best.

  2. Or: would you like to try my Swedish meatballs?


    Yes - Dora, it did not just suck. It SUCKED. I am boycotting the Wilson brothers from this point on. And Jo's film selection privilages are being revoked. Even she thought it was bad.

  3. Well, I do happen the get the whole Owen Wilson/Wilson brothers thing. It's an X chromosome default button I think. But I still won't see this movie because of all the bad reviews.

    Maybe you should make another request to Miss Bush (is she the chick from One Tree Hill?) and ask her if she requires a Kruck. You could also to offer to conveniently flat pack it for her, move ease of movement.

    Damn, that sounded even smuttier than intended. Yesssssssss.

  4. Didn't proofread that. Oh well, quantity over quality.

    I meant to say "flatpack it for her, for ease of movement"

  5. Proofreading is for CHUMPS Miss H.

    I think she does require a Kruck. Although don't ask about the Swedish Meatballs...that is kinda gross.

  6. oh...and you better buy that table!!!! If you don't you will anger the Ikea gods and nobody wants that to happen.

  7. Dora & Tina, what's a Kruck? Is it anything to with 'crunk'?

    I don't know what crunk is, but Blazin' Squad talk about it one of their songs

    "me and the boys will be blazin it up,
    so baby girl now take a ride in the back of the truck,
    if you wanna get crunk better know who you are..."

  8. Skillz, I believe it has something to do with a person's bottom.

  9. Miss Haversham - I'm ... I'm just going to ignore the Wilson brothers thing because it's wrong on so many levels.

    But yes, Sophia Bush is the one from One Tree Hill. She's lovely. As for a Kruck, I thought you'd hacked into my Myspace account, because I also asked Smallville's Kristen Kreuk to be my friend. She's my sweet baboo. I'll flatpack anything for either of them.

    Dora - Not the Ikea gods!? Arrrrgh! No doubt I'll buy something at Ikea - even if it's a bag of tealights (although they probably call them FLUKTENSTUFS or something) that I will never use.

    Skillz - I'm ever so slightly concerned by your apparent innate knowledge of Blazin' Squad lyrics, although I will confess to having a slight fondness for Flip-reverse.

  10. Miss H, a person's bottom? Damn, I wish I was down with the hip kids' cool phrases. I'll have to start using this one. Tim, that's the only song of theirs I know, and I only know it because it's so totally AWESOME.

  11. Yeah, Skillz, you've fallen behind the times; only yesterday I happened to remark to some woman on the street "nice kruck, shame about the face."

    Or should that've been 'crunk'? I'm massively confused now.

    'Blazin' Squad' and 'awesome' in the same sentence?! What *IS* going on?!?!? I shall have to verify their alleged awesomeness on iTunes 30 second clip...

  12. I thought Miss H was talking about sex....kruck looked like fuck to me. It's the one track mind.

    The Ikea gods smiled on me and the tealights (which I bought a pack of the other day) are called Glimma or something similar to that.

  13. Dora, you so dirty!

    That's it! Glimma!! I like the fact that it sorta sounds like what it actually does.

    As does Lack, in fact; I'm lacking any idea why I need it. And yet, I still want it...

