Monday, August 28, 2006

Wowsers, peggy!

OK, I know that Inspector Gadget's niece was called Penny, but it's late and it sort of made me laugh.

Look at this:

Whatever will they think of next!? It's a tiny peg I've just stol- um, borrowed from a pub. It was connected to the menu. But I figure the bar staff probably nicked it off some little fairytale, forest-dwelling elf while she pegged her husband's undercrackers on the washing line.

Either way it's mine now.

I'll regale you with the tale of how I spent a significant proportion of Sunday with an immense purple thing that drew gasps of shock, awe, and yes, delight, from everyone who glimpsed it.


  1. Is it wooden or plastic? Wooden fuels the imagination. I love finding things in pubs. And borrowing them.

  2. I'd never have had you pegged as a thief.

  3. Dinah - it's a proper wooden peg! It's like they took a full-sized one and popped it in a shrink-o-tronic 3000. BAM! Next thing you know it's 2.5 centimetres long!!

    Skillz - Heh heh, that's a good one! And in my defense, I did say borrowed; I'll take it back at some point... honest...

  4. A de-big-ulated peg. Ingenious!

  5. Oh, and I must say: I'm really looking forward to the 'immense purple thing' post.

  6. I actually woke up this morning and thought the peg was a dream, some figment of my imagination ... but no, there it is sitting on my desk.

    I haven't a clue what to do with it... Maybe I should set up a tiny washing line?
