Sunday, August 13, 2006


It's late, and I just managed to slam-dunk two paper balls into the bin from the other side of the room.

That made me smile.

I don't dare try for a third. That would just be crazy, wouldn't it?



Oh yeah, you know it went in!

Who's the daddy, bee-yatchs, who's the daddy?


  1. So Tim......

    You want to see some girl on girl fight action between Miss H and I? Would you like to see it in a "foxy-boxing" style fight or "mud wrestling"?

    Either way the winner has to make out with you.....SUGAR TITS (and I am referring to Miss H) will most likely win due to her lack of underwear and ability to 'fall' on small children and almost crush them to death.

    Get ready to chant "fight! fight! fight!"

  2. It's Spacker Vs Hot Ticket in the fight of the century!

    The first rule of all-girl Fight Club is... We don't talk about all-girl Fight Club.

    The second rule of Fight Club is... no hair-tugging. Falling on children is fine though. You could even throw them if you really wanted to.


  3. Now this I've got to see. Will there be live internet streaming or whatever it's called?

  4. Mate, I know *exactly* how you feel. Yesterday I was filling the car up with petrol and I stopped it on £15.00 first time; no stopping and £14.80 and then adding loads of little squeezes. Oh no, I stopped it RIGHT ON £15 first time.

  5. Inexplicable Device - I know, exciting isn't it! I'm imagining the classic Star Trek fight music playing as they circle one another, shouting "spacker" with unbridled venom!!

    (Ta muchly for the sponsorship as well!)

    Skillz - Ah, dude, that's the holy grail of automotive ownership! I managed it once a long time ago, then got all excited and accidently squeezed in another three pence worth. That was it - I had to go all the way round to another full pound on annoying little squeezes!

  6. Oh yes...there will be hair tugging. How else am I supposed to win?

  7. Da na na na na na na na na na
    Da na na na na na neee naaaa!!!

    Brrrrr! Brrrrr!

    I plan to blind Dora with my interpretive dance of the Spock VS Kirk battle. And then fall on a child.

  8. Interpretive dance?

    Holy shit, I think I can actually win this thing!

  9. Ooo, I don't know - interpretive dance can be quite hypnotic - Miss H could lull you into a false sense of security then finish you with a roundhouse!

  10. That could well be true. She does have this kinda crazy thing she does...oh wait that's dancing!

    But seriously, I work out at the gym. Her feeble attempts to try and roundhouse me will be laughable to say the least*. As long as she keeps her Jedi mind powers to herself, I predict it will go in my favour.

    *although in typing that I am fearing some cutting payback and possible axing.

  11. Jedi mind powers? How could she not use her Jedi mind powers!? This fight is sounding better and better by the second!!!

    BRING. IT. ON.


  12. Of course my Jedi mind powers are limited to guessing correctly what is inside unlabelled cans, but I guess that I can somehow work this to my advantage.

    I still plan to lull Dora into a false sense of security and then BAM! I'll choose an unlabelled can of whoop arse and open it on her.

    OOOhhhhh Yeahhh.

  13. I'm seriously thinking that we could put this fight on pay-per-view...

    Ooo, and thanks to you and Dora for the sponsorship! Maybe Sparky Vs Deer could be the support act?
