Saturday, August 12, 2006

Give me all your money...

... all your hugs and kisses too!

What!? ZZ Top?! Hmmm...

Right: as I've probably already harped on about endlessly, I'm doing the Hampton Court 10k run on October 1st in aid of Cancer Research, and it would be awesome if anyone would like to sponsor me.

The run is in the grounds of Hampton Court, which is home to rather a lot of deer. October is rutting season for the deer. If anything, surely it's worth donating just to see me legging it away from some lusty deer?

You can donate online HERE!

And I salute/doff my cap to each and every one of you who does so.

Thank you muchly.

Pictures of jogger's nipple will be available post-run if anyone wants to see them.


  1. Post run jogger's nipple? I think I speak for everyone when I *demand* and pre and post run comparison.

  2. Miss H you're such a nipple tweaking whore!

  3. OK! Now I just need to find someone on race day who looks like they're susceptible to jogger's nipple...!

    I hope they\d be OK with me taking some photos...

  4. Hmmm... interesting use of punctuation in the last comment...

    Where's my proofing pen!?

  5. I can't wait to hear about the 'deer dodging'!

  6. Don't joke ... I'm really quite worried about it!!!!
