Thursday, August 03, 2006

Tut. This is silly

OK - this really is silly. I just heard a car alarm go off, and thinking it was mine I went running out into the street in a quickly pulled together outfit of hoody, tracky pants, and mis-matched shoes.

Apparently it was not my car; some inconsiderate bastard appears to have a very similar alarm, and their car is punishing me too.

And to top it off, two blokes were out in the street changing a tyre on another car (well, I suppose they could've been stealing the tyre...), and I just looked like a nutter who ran out of his house, stared at his car for a bit, then ran back in.

At least if I was wearing Spider-Man jim-jams I could've gone "pwish pwish! Just you're friendly neighbourhood web-slinger!" and left them standing there in absolute awe of me.


  1. Your car obviously still hasn't forgiven you.

    A question: is 'pwish'*really* the sound Spidey's web makes? I thought it was more of a 'swish'myself. But that's just me.

  2. LOL this was great.

    As the cars get smarter, we get...more mix-matched. LOL

  3. Miss Haversham - I think my car's sulking. Bless it. I hope it gets over its little hissy fit soon.

    Now, the sound that Spider-Man's web-thingies make... That's a good question. Maybe we could compromise and go with a silent 'p'? Or we could bombard Stan Lee with emails to get the definitive answer!

    Nikki - I know! I seriously think Fisher Price would do a roaring trade if they made chunky plastic cars for adults devoid of all bells and whistles!

  4. But if you were Spider-Man, you would've just pwish'd some web down to shut your car up. And then saved lives, or something!

  5. Damn! I could've strung the tyre thieves up from a lamp post! If only I'd thought about it!!

    I would've gone off to save some lives, but, y'know, I was tired, and had an early start the next day... It ain't all witty one-liners and swinging with MJ!

  6. hehehe. You said 'swinging with MJ'.

    Have you got Stan Lee's email? I'm serious about this. It would answer this burning issue once and for all.

  7. I know - I hoped someone would pick up on that!

    I don't have Stan Lee's email... Maybe I should Google it? The noise and his email, that is. I bet he'd end his email with:

    ... and I hope that answers your question.


    Stan Lee

    Seriously - what is that 'excelsior' thing all about?!
