Saturday, May 06, 2006

Snap happy

So I've decided: the new phone is maybe the best thing I've ever bought (aside from my car, my house, my favourite pair of jeans, my Deth Killers of Bushwick t-shirt, and - ooo - the super syrup puddings I picked up in M&S the other day…)

Anyway, yeah, it's great!

So, I'm still playing around with the camera, which, as I mentioned earlier, can actually take a picture bigger than this: .

Popped round to see the family today (no, not the mafia), and while showing off the sexy mobile, I took a picture of my brother; but not any ordinary picture! No, this one was like one of those stupid photos of animals taken with a fisheye lens. Y'know, a bit like this.

We had a good laugh about it, and I thought - note that I say 'thought,' NOT 'said' – "ha ha, this'll make a great blog entry…"

In an instant the laughter stopped. Simon's head snapped round, and, I'm sure in violation of some sort of UN directive, he lent in close, violating my personal space.

"You post that on your blog and I'll kill you."



  1. Using your family and friends in your fiction writing or your blog may cause nausea, vomiting, and swelling of the eyes. I do it all the time...and sometimes they want to kill me. Thus far I've stayed away from my mothers latest squeeze, only because he's so damn stupid, but one of these days....
    Why not go ahead and use the pic if it's THAT great?! They'll get over it. They always dooooo

  2. But seriously ... he'll kill me!

    Hell, maybe it's worth it...

  3. Anonymous2:01 pm

    A wise decision not to use the photo young Skywalker.....

    Otherwise you'd be experiencing the power of the 'Force' repeatedly on the side of your head.......!

  4. Do you see what I have to put up with readers?!
