Thursday, May 04, 2006

Orf to the cinema

It's a Thursday-Friday movie double-bill for me.

Tonight: Slither.

Tomorrow: Mission: Impossible III

Who will emerge victorious? A tiny slimy life form intent on spreading its insidious alien influence, or the CGI slugs from Slither?


  1. Which is more convincing? CGI slugs or Tom Cruise playing straight?

  2. Definitely CGI slugs.

    Tom Cruise has the mad eyes. You know, the REALLY wide-eyed scary look.

    The slugs put in an Oscar-worthy performance. Must see what else they've done on the IMDB...

  3. I was more concerned that the slugs didn't make off with Nathan Fillion's clothes. Very concerned, indeed.

    Maybe if I watch it again, they will...

  4. I was just waiting for River to turn up and give the slugs a good kicking...

    Or for Jane to lob a grenade at 'em!
