Friday, April 28, 2006

My own personal Nemesis

Here's a question: Anyone got any good ideas about how to vanquish a Nemesis?

I ask this because I have one, and unlike a basket of puppies you can't just dump it in the river and watch it float away. Or, better still, drown.

Things would be so much easier if I could just vapourise him, but I think the technology is still a few years off. Maybe banish him to the phantom zone?

Damn these pop-culture references! Answers on a postcard!!

(And the more they look like the Hooded Claw would've used them to eliminate Penelope Pitstop the better!)


  1. Anonymous4:51 pm

    Pour liquid nitrogen down his pants and crack his buttocks with a hammer.

  2. That, quite frankly, is genius.

    Where can I get some liquid nitrogen!?

  3. Anonymous10:31 am

    Amazon do it for about £8. But if you buy a couple of packs of Mach 3 razors too you can push the order about £19 and get free delivery. BONUS.

  4. Amazon is great. Books. CDs. DVDs. Nemesis-vanquishing equipment... And if the liquid nitrogen doesn't work I could always hoof Mach 3s at him!
