Monday, July 25, 2011


So I went to that wedding reception I mentioned a few weeks ago at the weekend. It was lovely; awesome venue, a nice chance to catch-up with some friends I hadn't seen in a while, and an all-too-rare opportunity to throw down some phat moves on the dance floor.

And in an amazing turn of events, the lovely Em managed to get a photo of me where I look relatively normal. Seriously, chances are if you aim a camera at me I'll either gurn like a special, do the OMG Cat face, or put on some sort of allegedly sexy pout that kind of looks more like a severely-constipated James Franco.

So anyway, kudos to Em for getting the picture I'm shamelessly pasting below in anticipation of lots of ego-boosting compliments. Despite having a mid-afternoon wobble where I thought I'd just wear a regular old tie, I think you'll agree I totally ROCK that bow-tizzle.


  1. Oh, gods. You look awful...


    Awfully cute, that is!

    Mmmm... James Franco...

    * drools *

  2. Bless you.


  3. That's some really PHAT bow-tizzle action going on there.

    James Franco? WHERE?

  4. I think if you look on Facebook there's at least one photo of me doing the constipated Franco pout.

  5. You indeed rock that bow-tizzle AND the shoes! Shiny!

  6. Thank god they look shiny! They'd been covered in a layer of dust earlier in the day and I just about remembered to wipe over them with a cloth!
