Saturday, February 05, 2011

A fine vintage

Setting fire to things wasn't the only highlight of Wednesday's Better Off Ted evening. In other news, I *think* I actually made Skip happy.

Obviously when you're a guest at somebody else's house it's the done thing to take something for the genial host. In the past I've turned up with Gingerbread Lattes (WIN) and a bottle of Cherry Lambrini (MASSIVE FAIL). This week, however, I actually bought Skip a decent bottle of wine.

And then I took advantage of the materials I have access to at work and transformed it into FUTURE WINE!

Slightly annoyingly, though, when I handed it over to him he simply remarked "you actually bought me a nice bottle of wine!" as if Chateau Picard were a real vineyard and not something from Star Trek's 24th century. I had to point out my handiwork, but on the plus side it just goes to show how authentic-looking my forgery was.

Anyway, from what I understand 2267 is a fine vintage. I just hope he doesn't leave it adrift in space - you never know what it might smash into up there.


  1. That's kool AND nerdy at the same time. Good job!

    Cherry Lambrini not a WIN? For what it's worth, it probably is a bit vile but also at the same time sounds utterly fabulous.

    Don't make me drink it though.

  2. I see it's 2 for a fiver at Asda!

  3. You actually brought a bottle of cherry Lambrini?! To give to someone else?!? You might just as well have spat in poor Skip's face.

    If you even drink that vile stuff ('Petra's right) yourself I may have to rethink you as worthy of stalking.

    (Very well done on the wine 'modification' though. It's brilliant!)

  4. Cyberpete - I KNOW! I thought it was supposed to awesome.

    Cyberpete the second - Oh, on that basis, maybe it's not awesome.

    Inexplicable Device - Well, I actually bought it as a bit of a joke, but it backfired when he said "I wish you'd actually not bothered."

    I wouldn't drink it personally, but then I barely drink. Although feel free to reconsider your stalking tendencies.

  5. Nice work, that does look like something I could find in a wine shop!

    There should damn well be a Chateau Picard wine out there.

  6. OK. I've had a rethink: No change. Sorry. You'll just have to put up with the stalking like every other celeb.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. And there really is a Chateau Picard in Bordeaux, France. But great job on the label by you! :)
