Thursday, December 23, 2010

Santa, baby

If this isn't the face of festive fun, I don't know what is.

And if that's not £1.99 well spent in Pound Crazy in Shepherds Bush, I don't know what is. What a sec - £1.99 in a pound shop? What's that all about?!


  1. Snazzy coat! I must see more of the coat.

    Your hat is lovely too. Overpriced but lovely.

  2. Will you come and give me something while I'm in bed at Christmas?

  3. Cyberpete - Oh, that's my awesome coat!

    Inexplicable Device - A SLAP perhaps.

  4. Well, that wasn't quite what I had in mind, but needs must.

    * sigh *

    Bah! Humbug!

    Mmm.. WV is ePine. Does this mean I'm getting Chris Pine in e-format?

  5. Inexplicable Device - You'll just have to force Moom under the duvet and hope for the best.

    ePine? Um, yes - that's exactly what you're getting. I do hope you've got the very finest fibre optic broadband money can get otherwise he might end up missing some vital components…

    WV: mysizesh. That sounds like me tomorrow morning after token glass of champagne wondering if any new clothes I've been given are the appropriate size.

  6. That should be the photo for your next Christmas card!

    I bought a Santa hat too, but it was at the dollar store. Not sure how that converts. It was purely an impulse purchase. I've only worn it once!

  7. Ha ha - great idea! Remind me next year please!!

    I think with the current exchange rate your hat was a better deal than mine…
