Sunday, July 18, 2010

30 days of yoga: Day 8 - the story so far…

It was exactly one week ago today that I began my 30 day yoga challenge, so I thought I'd look back and see how I've been coping.

The answer? Very well, thank you for asking.

I originally thought I'd struggle to go every day, and even if I did manage to actually get there I thought I'd certainly struggle with the class itself. Turns out the regime of actually having to be at the studio at a certain time each day (particularly during the week) has been something of a blessing in disguise; I'm actually getting up on time because I know I have to be at work by a certain time so that I can leave at a certain time to be at the studio at … well, you get the idea.

And far from struggling more with each passing day I'm finding that it's actually getting easier. The 90 minutes often feel like they zip by in a flash (although I do still hate balancing stick pose with a passion) and before I know it I'm queuing in Waitrose to buy a refreshing fruity drink.

As for other benefits … well, my shoulders have gotten noticeably bigger, my thighs and calves more defined, and I've dropped down a hole on my belt (which is both awesome and a little worrying because I'm on the last hole now). All that in just one week.

Lord knows what will happen in the three weeks still remaining.


  1. It's either a new belt or punch more holes...

    Excellent job! When do we get to see the photo progression of your 30 days? Pre, then perhaps weekly shots, and a post photo?

    Come on now... you know you have an adoring audience who'd love to see that! *looks around for IDV*

  2. Yes, Sparky Pa has been warned to get his belt-hole-punching tools at the ready.

    And don't encourage IDV!

  3. I think Ponita raises a valid point. Photos!

    It's important for all us non bikram yogis to learn all the ins and outs of yoga.

  4. Especially the ins!

    Here I am, Ponita!

  5. Cyberpete - But I'm not a qualified teacher - it would be irresponsible of me to show you the ins and outs.

    Inexplicable Device - BAD WITCH! *slap*

  6. That looks like a variation of Dancer pose. It's tough but if you focus on one point, you'll find the balance easier.
