Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Where The Wild Tims Are

As if I'm not a ridiculous enough person as it is…

And it's criminal - CRIMINAL I TELLS YA! - that us Britlanders have to wait until December for this movie when it opens next month in the Americas. Not *this* movie, because this is a figment of my warped imagination and tiny, tiny brain; I mean the real Where The Wild Things Are.

If anyone wants me, I'll be in a huff until December.



  1. It's the same with a lot of movies. In Denmark we have to wait until someone has the time to make subtitles. Imagine how long a wait that is.

    Personally I can't wait for All About Steve and Blue to hit our shores.

    I wanna chiggy wiggy with you...

    PS. Sunshine Cleaning = total awesomeness!

  2. Can I please take you home and feed you cookies and milk and do peek-a-boo at you till you wee yourself laughing?

    Cutest. Picture. Ever.

  3. Cyberpete - I see the words, but I have no idea what they mean. Chiggy wiggy!?

    WillowC - Hmmm. Yes, I believe that is an acceptable offer. Aside from the weeing part; that might happen worryingly early in the peek-a-boo game, thus curtailing *FUN*.

  4. i just watched the trailer again, gosh it looks good, doesn't it?!

    i have to wait until December too godamnit! what on earth are you complaining about? you got 'Moon' AGES ago!

  5. I will so *totally* be going to see that movie when it comes out! Looks like a great one.

    Thanks, Tim! I'll be able to gloat that I've seen it long before you.... nah, I wouldn't do that. But I don't understand why it takes so long to release movies there. It's not like in Denmark, like Pete says, where they have to do subtitles.

  6. It's the title of a song from the movie Blue. Chiggy wiggy.

  7. The Projectivist - That's true, we did get Moon ages ago. When do you get it?

    Ponita - I don't know either! It's not usually such a big gap - I mean, we got Star Trek at the same time, if not a few hours earlier than the NA market. It's just RUDE!

    Cyberpete - That film sounds … dirty.

  8. I'm sorry, Tim. I don't understand the business of holding back movies like that, but it is cruel and unusual punishment.

  9. I wish it was.

    It's probably not though

  10. Tara - Don't worry, I don't blame you … unless you had something to do with it!

    Cyberpete - You've not seen it?

  11. Not yet..

    Don't think it's been released yet.

  12. I've never heard of it. Clearly I don't have my finger on the pulse.

  13. awesome picture! i want to rip down every WTWTA poster i see and put yours in its place.
