Tuesday, August 04, 2009


Three photos for you to marvel at and make insightful comments about!

Photo the first: Super Lucky Cat!
Super Lucky Cat was in a trampy all you can eat Chinese buffet in Shepherds Bush, and was freakin' massive. It made me smile. I want it.

Photo the second: A massive chopper!
It's not often you see a helicopter being wheeled through the streets of Hammersmith, so today was clearly my luck day. Maybe Super Lucky Cat had something to do with it?

Photo the third: My third nipple!
OK, so it's not actually a third nipple - it's a freakish-looking insect bite I appear to have suffered during the Wedding Day 7k on Friday. But it's massive, and looks a bit nipplish. I'm half expecting a kitten or some other infantile creature to try suckling on it at some point. That'll be an interesting experience.


  1. I actually thought we had something in common then :( I have a third nipple. And a forth. I am weird. One in 4 million apparently. That Chopper looks impressive, but the cat scares me.

  2. The cat... meh.

    The chopper: Cool! Thankfully, the rotors are not spinning... would get a might messy then. ;-)

    The bite? Ow! Rather angry looking, if you ask me. Get yourself some Polysporin ointment for that thing! Never mind something trying to suckle... you may have an alien clawing its way out soon. =0

  3. I think, before we make any kind of informed bugbite/nipple comparison, we're going to need to see pictures of your actual nipples.

    And maybe a few more gratuitous shots to satisfy our curiosity?

  4. I like your snapshots - except that insect bite looks like it hurts! Put some meds on that thing, stat! Before the kittens know it's there!

    I like how there's a huge chopper going down the street and the lady there barely notices.

  5. The Tall Red Head - We don't need extra nipples to have something in common - we're both awesome! That's pretty awesome you have four though.

    Ponita - Don't worry, the bite is under control with some ointment that Sparky Ma thrust upon me!!

    Inexplicable Device - Outrageous! I'll have you know I'm the sort of person who puts two fingers over each nipple whenever I take my top off!

    Tara - Yeah, you wouldn't believe it, but I genuinely was the only person who actually paid any attention to it!! It's not like this sort of thing happens every day!!

  6. the day that super lucky cat suckles on your third nipple while navigating that chopper through the streets of hammersmith will be the best. day. ever!

  7. Ouch! That looks really painful!

    It hope it disappears soon. I get those kind of things if a mosquito as much as looks at me

  8. MissyandChrissy - Ha ha, It'll certainly be a memorable one!!

    Cyberpete - It wasn't too bad, just a bit itchy … though strangely only at night…

  9. Could be vampires too.

    Cursed vampires.

  10. Cursed vampires are, like, *the worst.*

  11. How do you feel about zombies?

    Could it be zombies?

  12. Anonymous12:06 pm

    It was a snake! I didn't know tehre were snakes in the Uk til last week. Now I see them everywhere I tell ya.

  13. Cyberpete - Zombies I'm OK with, although I do think they're a little over-exposed these days.

    Watch*Paint*Dry - You been reading about the guy that got bitten by an adder?

  14. I love Chinese welcome cats, so cute!

    Ouch, put some lavender oil on that bite!

    Mmm, random word verification, 'junes'

  15. It's almost gone now, Em! The bite, that is, not the cat!!
