Wednesday, July 08, 2009

I'm your private dancer, a dancer for coffee…

… and any old latte will do.

Yes, what you see above are a couple of Starbucks vouchers tucked in the waistband of … *sigh* … my underpants. I'm clearly *that* addicted to my daily dose of caffeine that I'll do pretty much anything for its sweet, sweet taste.


  1. You would certainly know if a thief was trying to grab those vouchers.

    Nice shirt! I like that!

  2. I'm guessing that's a venti?

  3. ...*sigh*... Your underpants...

    And have you stuffed, or are you just pleased to see me?

  4. whaaa??
    i wasn't listening to a word you said, my eyes were too busy being molested by that salacious crotch-shot.
    i can't look away.
    i just can't!

  5. Tara - Indeed I would! And thanks, I like it too!!

    Cyberpete - Double shot?

    Inexplicable Device - It's all natural, daaahling (note I'm using the word "daaahling" there for comedy effect, not for any other reason).

    The Projectivist - Well, um, don't then!

  6. *bites bottom lip*

    I'm sure.
