Monday, December 29, 2008


Between the Joker t-shirt I got for Christmas…

… and the purple shoes I bought in the sales yesterday (a smidgeon under 30 quids!)…

… I'm feeling like I'm in the mood for mischief. Anyone up for helping me practice my pencil trick?

(To be honest, I haven't got a clue what those shoes will go with - I just liked them. Damn you, January sales!)


  1. Dude... fancy a Kingston extravaganza on Friday?

  2. Your arms look bulkier - Did you have to Hulk out to get through the sales throngs?

    I love those shoes. They look good with those jeans. Although, maybe black jeans and the Joker T would work?

  3. The transformation is almost complete. Got anymore of that green face mask left?

    Nice T-shirt, I really like that!

  4. January sale in December? How odd.

    You do know, the pencil trick is something else - and I am thinking you won't be able to perform it on yourself.

    PS. Love the t-shirt

  5. Willowc - Ooo, you said the magic word! Will there be a jaunt to Starbucks involved?

    Inexplicable Device - No… if anything they've been feeling a bit weedy recently. All exercise has been halted over the Christmas period. I was thinking exactly the same thing - purple shoes, black jeans, Joker t-shirt! Great minds, eh? I'd think about appointing you my fashion expert, but we all know that would just end up with me sitting around in my pants all the time.

    Tara - No, it was a one-portion only thing! Damn!

    Cyberpete - Well, that's what we usually call it; it sounds better than post-Christmas sales! I dread to think what interpretation of pencil trick you're thinking of…!

  6. Is there ever *not* a jaunt to Starbucks involved??

  7. Oh, I'm in then! See you next year!

  8. Anonymous10:19 am

    Purple goes with everything!
    Really it does. I love purple. Especially purple shoes!

    Um but I guess you are a much snappier dresser than I am. I really look like I got dressed in the dark today. Because I did.

  9. Does it? Ah ha! Good! Because I *love* my new purple shoes! You can't really see it in the picture, but they're a bit distressed too. Not distressed in that they're crying out for help, though.

    You got dressed in the dark?! Why!? Could you not crack a curtain or light a fart or something?
