Thursday, November 27, 2008

The slutty Terminator

Two hours spent wondering the streets of Hammersmith and Westfield shopping centre and all I have to show for it is this.

Now, I'm not a scientist, but isn't it nature's way that woman by their very, um, nature have a low sperm count?

Having failed to win any further film roles after Terminator 2: Judgment Day, the T-1000 is reduced to whoring itself as a slutty underwear model* in West London.

*BTW, could I have felt any more self-conscious when taking that photo? Standing outside an underwear shop taking photos? I'd probably have been less conspicuous if I had a hand jammed down my trousers and was drooling out the corner of my mouth…


  1. You are braver than me, I'd have never done that.

    Maybe it's natures way of saying don't reproduce?


    In your face IDV!

  3. Uh...maybe people just thought you were a fashion photographer, ya know? Getting the scoop on the newest Christmas fashions? Sure, that's it! ;)

  4. Now I want to see the photo of you taking the photo!

    Was there drool? I hope there was drool.

  5. I bet there was drool. And I bet Tim did have one hand down his trousers. After all, he only needed one hand to take the picture.

    Actually 'Petra, that's the exact reason why I wasn't here earlier Firsting...

  6. Erm? You were reproducing? Wait, IDV's straight?

  7. Cyberpete - I did it REALLY quickly. And what do you mean? Don't reproduce with a Terminator? Well, I wasn't planning to…

    Tara - Yeeeeeeeah…!!

    T-Bird - That should be a film: There Will be Drool!

    Inexplicable Device - How do you know? Maybe I needed both hands to steady myself when confronted with a slutty T-1000.

    T-Bird - Duh-duh-daaaaaaaaaaaah!

  8. Anonymous9:49 am

    No strategically placed hands on this one then? ;>

    Why is 'Premature Ejaculation' smaller?

  9. Watch *paint* dry: That's the "fine print".

  10. Not the reproducing, T-Bird (perish the thought). I was going to explain, but it'd be too much information, believe me.

    Tim: Or perhaps you needed both hands to steady something else when confronted with a slutty T-1000 and held iPhone in your mouth? In fact, you probably needed more than two hands, didn't you? I've got big hands - I can 'assist' you next time, I'm sure!

  11. Anonymous5:02 pm

    Thanks Tara! Trust something like that to e in the fine print.

  12. Watch*Paint*Dry - That was one in a million!

    Tara - And mighty, um, fine it is…

    Inexplicable Device - I'm not gonna tongue my iPhone to take a bloomin' picture! And keep your hand to yourself!

    Watch*Paint*Dry - Here's that 'b' you wanted!

  13. IDV: The in your face bit?

    Dirrrty minx.

    Tim: I wouldn't want to be the one telling T1000.
