Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Choose your own adventure: Bringing HI-larity back

Bitches, you know the drill…


I was up stupidly early this morning watching another [1] before jumping in the car and heading to work. I had a good half an hour or so in the office on my own before others started filtering in, at which point I jammed my [2] in my ears to block out any and all disturbances. At about half twelve I walked down to Secret Starbucks where I quietly read my book while enjoying my regular [3]. I narrowly avoided getting [4] on the walk back to the office, and later in the afternoon I danced along to the M.I.A. song 'Paper Planes' while waving my [5] around (bang, bang, bang, bang!).

I've had a relatively chilled out evening since getting home. I watched [6] while eating dinner, then checked out the first two episodes of the new season of Heroes. I do think there were a few inconsistencies in the plotting, but I'm most intrigued by the realisation that a slicked-back hairstyle signifies you as being either a) from the future (Wonky mouth), or b) evil (Sylar). On the whole it was OK, but it didn't blow my [7]. And I keep thinking of Wonky mouth as being Jess in Gilmore Girls now, rather than powered-up Wonky mouthed Peter; he basically plays exactly the same character, except one worries about saving the planet, while the other just [8] off (wonkily) at Luke.

And now? Now I'm off to bed to [9] a couple of [10].


  1. First! Woo!!!

    "I was up stupidly early this morning watching another [super-terrific Sci-Fi marathon] before jumping in the car and heading to work. I had a good half an hour or so in the office on my own before others started filtering in, at which point I jammed my [fluorescent green Post-It notes] in my ears to block out any and all disturbances. At about half twelve I walked down to Secret Starbucks where I quietly read my book while enjoying my regular [half-caf, mocha latte iced java]. I narrowly avoided getting [kidnapped] on the walk back to the office, and later in the afternoon I danced along to the M.I.A. song 'Paper Planes' while waving my [perfectly ripened banana] around (bang, bang, bang, bang!).

    I've had a relatively chilled out evening since getting home. I watched ["So You Think You Can Dance"] while eating dinner, then checked out the first two episodes of the new season of Heroes. I do think there were a few inconsistencies in the plotting, but I'm most intrigued by the realisation that a slicked-back hairstyle signifies you as being either a) from the future (Wonky mouth), or b) evil (Sylar). On the whole it was OK, but it didn't blow my [fuse]. And I keep thinking of Wonky mouth as being Jess in Gilmore Girls now, rather than powered-up Wonky mouthed Peter; he basically plays exactly the same character, except one worries about saving the planet, while the other just [flaunts it] off (wonkily) at Luke.

    And now? Now I'm off to bed to [dream up ideas for my next story] a couple of [happy pills]."

    I could've gone down the perverted route with a few of those blanks, but I'm too tired....and really not that erm...creative. ;)

  2. Don't worry, Tara. I'll do my best to make up for it...

    "I was up stupidly early this morning watching another failed attempt by IDV to get through my window before jumping in the car and heading to work. I had a good half an hour or so in the office on my own before others started filtering in, at which point I jammed my breakfast in my ears to block out any and all disturbances. At about half twelve I walked down to Secret Starbucks where I quietly read my book while enjoying my regular delight at finishing another page of Dick And Jane]. I narrowly avoided getting sucked into the jet intake of a passing Batmobile on the walk back to the office, and later in the afternoon I danced along to the M.I.A. song 'Paper Planes' while waving my huge, but not unwieldy or out of proportion, weapon around (bang, bang, bang, bang!).

    I've had a relatively chilled out evening since getting home. I watched myself in the mirror while eating dinner, then checked out the first two episodes of the new season of Heroes. I do think there were a few inconsistencies in the plotting, but I'm most intrigued by the realisation that a slicked-back hairstyle signifies you as being either a) from the future (Wonky mouth), or b) evil (Sylar). On the whole it was OK, but it didn't blow my trumpet - I'll let IDV do that later. And I keep thinking of Wonky mouth as being Jess in Gilmore Girls now, rather than powered-up Wonky mouthed Peter; he basically plays exactly the same character, except one worries about saving the planet, while the other just pouts off (wonkily) at Luke.

    And now? Now I'm off to bed to enjoy being serviced by IDV a couple of times."

    Ah. I've missed these.

  3. I was up stupidly early this morning watching another [monster truck rally] before jumping in the car and heading to work. I had a good half an hour or so in the office on my own before others started filtering in, at which point I jammed my [pencils] in my ears to block out any and all disturbances. At about half twelve I walked down to Secret Starbucks where I quietly read my book while enjoying my regular [double double]. I narrowly avoided getting [pantsed] on the walk back to the office, and later in the afternoon I danced along to the M.I.A. song 'Paper Planes' while waving my [hammer] around (bang, bang, bang, bang!).

    I've had a relatively chilled out evening since getting home. I watched [myself in the mirror] while eating dinner, then checked out the first two episodes of the new season of Heroes. I do think there were a few inconsistencies in the plotting, but I'm most intrigued by the realisation that a slicked-back hairstyle signifies you as being either a) from the future (Wonky mouth), or b) evil (Sylar). On the whole it was OK, but it didn't blow my [hammer]. And I keep thinking of Wonky mouth as being Jess in Gilmore Girls now, rather than powered-up Wonky mouthed Peter; he basically plays exactly the same character, except one worries about saving the planet, while the other just [walks around spouting crap and being annoying and mouths] off (wonkily) at Luke.

    And now? Now I'm off to bed to [dream about] a couple of [sheep. Totally doing it].

  4. Ok, I was going to totally filth this up but I don't think I am brave enough to write the words.

    I was up stupidly early this morning watching another episode of Gilmore Girls before jumping in the car and heading to work. I had a good half an hour or so in the office on my own before others started filtering in, at which point I jammed my cigars in my ears to block out any and all disturbances. At about half twelve I walked down to Secret Starbucks where I quietly read my book while enjoying my regular afternoon delight . I narrowly avoided getting peed on by IDV on the walk back to the office, and later in the afternoon I danced along to the M.I.A. song 'Paper Planes' while waving my big, hard apparatus around (bang, bang, bang, bang!).

    I've had a relatively chilled out evening since getting home. I watched my neighbours do a striptease while eating dinner, then checked out the first two episodes of the new season of Heroes. I do think there were a few inconsistencies in the plotting, but I'm most intrigued by the realisation that a slicked-back hairstyle signifies you as being either a) from the future (Wonky mouth), or b) evil (Sylar). On the whole it was OK, but it didn't blow my mind . And I keep thinking of Wonky mouth as being Jess in Gilmore Girls now, rather than powered-up Wonky mouthed Peter; he basically plays exactly the same character, except one worries about saving the planet, while the other just looks totally hot and shows it off (wonkily) at Luke.

    And now? Now I'm off to bed to enjoy myself for a couple of minutes .

  5. I was up stupidly early this morning watching another deer stalk my property before jumping in the car and heading to work. I had a good half an hour or so in the office on my own before others started filtering in, at which point I jammed my oatmeal in my ears to block out any and all disturbances. At about half twelve I walked down to Secret Starbucks where I quietly read my book while enjoying my regular overpriced coffee beverage. I narrowly avoided getting trampled by that stupid deer on the walk back to the office, and later in the afternoon I danced along to the M.I.A. song 'Paper Planes' while waving my lightsaber around (bang, bang, bang, bang!).

    I've had a relatively chilled out evening since getting home. I watched that wretched deer again outside my window while eating dinner, then checked out the first two episodes of the new season of Heroes. I do think there were a few inconsistencies in the plotting, but I'm most intrigued by the realisation that a slicked-back hairstyle signifies you as being either a) from the future (Wonky mouth), or b) evil (Sylar). On the whole it was OK, but it didn't blow my balloons. And I keep thinking of Wonky mouth as being Jess in Gilmore Girls now, rather than powered-up Wonky mouthed Peter; he basically plays exactly the same character, except one worries about saving the planet, while the other just gazes off (wonkily) at Luke.

    And now? Now I'm off to bed to dream about heroes and gilmore girls riding deer for a couple of hours.

  6. You're all geniuses! Although I'm a smidgeon disappointed in Cyberpete for being so prudish.

  7. I KNOW!

    I am appalled myself.

  8. Dinah's "And now? Now I'm off to bed to [dream about] a couple of [sheep. Totally doing it]." made me die! That last sentence is *so* you!

  9. Cyberpete - Well have another go!

    Inexplicable Device - It is?! Good grief - what sort of impression have I fostered?!

  10. It wasn't so much the sheep (could've been anything: rabbits, toasters, you & me...), more the "Totally doing it" part, Tim.

    Dinah: You're welcome. It's still making me laugh now!
