Sunday, September 07, 2008

Dark days

I've come to the conclusion that any last semblance of summer I thought we might get is now nothing more than a pipe dream. The weather's been craptacular since last weekend when I got drenched on the bike ride (I think my shoes may have just about dried out by now), and I've noticed that in the course of the week I've segued from wearing just t-shirts to t-shirts with a long-sleeved top underneath - a staple autumnal fashion for me.

If we were playing Jeopardy and the answer was "my summer clothes," the question would undoubtedly be "things that won't be seen until next year."

As if that weren't evidence enough, I bought Milo and porridge during a shopping trip to Sainsbury's last week. I only buy Milo and porridge when it starts dropping down cold. A few weeks ago I was sleeping on top of my duvet with the window wide open. Last night I had the window open a smidgeon and I woke up this morning with the duvet up to my shoulders. I didn't want to get up because it was chilly. 

I'm looking at boxsets of DVDs because I'm mentally preparing to spend nights in curled up on the sofa. If I want to go running in Richmond Park now I have to think about going mid-afternoon because it's closing at about 19:00. And instead of having a shower when I get home I'm thinking 'bath.' Did I mention I bought some new bubble bath?

 I saw some nice winter boots in a shop the other day. I'm thinking about getting a thermal top to layer under my lumberjack shirt. I need to dig my oversized beanie out of retirement. I mentally said "brrrrrr" to myself when I left the house on Friday morning.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not moaning about the fact that winter's looming - I love winter; it makes my lunchtime coffee seem absolutely vital (or more vital than it already is). It just seems like summer passed us by again for the most part this year. OK, yeah, we had a couple of nice warm days, but c'mon - a couple?! Is that it? Shouldn't global warming guarantee me at least a full month of warm sunshine each year? I have embarrassing tan-lines that need correcting and a nearly-full bottle of suntan lotion that'll expire before I get to use it all up. That's just a waste.

Oh god. They'll be playing Christmas songs in Starbucks next.


  1. oh yeah Mel & Kim - Rockin' around the christmas tree and Wham - Last christmas.

    I can't wait for ab excuse to get those tracks out again.

    The weather here is quite ok and not very chilly

  2. Last year I was pleased that we didn't get much in the way of sunshine and heat, as I don't tolerate either very well, but this year has been a total farce. Even I could stand a week of nice weather.

    Hang on... Gotta go - The sun's out!!

    No, wait. it went back in again.


  3. Cyberpete - I love Christmas… but didn't we just have one?!

    Inexplicable Device - It's probably you that caused it. You flashed your white legs and all the sunlight was reflected back out into space…

  4. Not so much a winter fan, but I do look forward to Autumn. I'd like to cover up in my coverlets and quilts without worrying about having to strip them off in the middle of the night because it's too dang hot.

    In Autumn, the popular snacks are caramel-covered apples or apple cider and donuts....and of course Halloween candy. Woo hoo!

  5. Oh Tara, you mentioned the 'D' word…

    Now I want donuts.

  6. Anonymous9:58 am

    Wha? You can get Milo here? Really? I have never seen it, I usually get someone to bring it over for me!
    Ooh I am going o dip me TimTams in me Milo.

    The weather was foul this weekend but I love winter too, mmmm orange light.

    I am going to sing Christmas carols all day and see how many people I can piss off.

  7. Well sure but I love Christmas and I wish it could be Christmas every day.

    To think never having to go to work because it's always holiday

  8. The summer has been crap by anyones standards . You are very brave sleeping with the window open , with Norfolk flighing witches about , or can they only come in if you invite them , like vampires

  9. Watch*Paint*Dry - Um, yeeeeeeaah… Sainsburys… Ooo - TimTams! Not had them in a while!

    Anyone care to come up with some disgusting euphemism for TimTams?

    Cyberpete - I love Christmas, but every day? Seriously? I'd need a bit of a break every now and then. Maybe about May.

    Beast - Don't worry, I have a patented witch-repellent - it's Autumn Reeser armed with a baseball bat.

  10. I loooooove Christmas and the whole Christmas season. I cannot wait to have candy cane flavoured drinks at Second Cup.

    It's rather cool here too...which is perfect, because I love sweaters.

  11. I'll get that bitch Reeser. And her little bat, too!

  12. Dammit! I forgot to come up with a disgusting TimTam euphemism.


    Oh, all I can think of now is Tim dipping his Tam into Milo Ventithingydoodah. Oooh!

  13. Dinah - I love it when Starbucks goes all Christmassy … but it's too soon!

    Inexplicable Device - Leave her alone or face my wrath!

    ANd that euphemism is … eeeeeuuuuw!

  14. *peers into the bathtub*

    Is that IVD trying to hide under the bubbles?

  15. Anonymous10:15 am

    Ah them were the days, the morning TimTam dipping fest. Oh how I miss it. I will get you some little TimTams for your birthday again.

    And I will leave it there.

  16. It's spring here now, which is quite pleasant. I am looking forward to whipping out some pretty summer dresses and strappy heels.

    Hmm. Shopping for summer sounds just about right for this week!

    Have a warm milo and double choc Tim Tam for me, though!

  17. MJ - I'll fart in the bath, that'll get rid of him.

    Watch*Paint*Dry - Ah yes, do you remember how we used to suck it up?

    T-Bird - "whipping out some pretty summer dresses and strappy heels"?

    Funny, IDV said that just the other day…

  18. Farting in the bath? You're such a boy!

    * sashays off, heels 'clipclopping' on the way *

  19. You're lucky I didn't follow through.

  20. Sure May sounds good to me.

    *jumps in the bath with Tim and IDV*

  21. Anonymous8:52 pm

    Oh yes all the sucking and slurping.

    Now will you three get out the bath you'll get all wrinkled like prunes.

  22. Cyberpete - Cool, May is penciled in for a break.

    Now get out of the bath, you're sloshing the water over the edge.

    Watch*Paint*Dry - For a minute there I thought you were trying to associate sucking and slurping with bathtime. Dirty girl!
