Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I haz cheezburger!

I made my first LOLcat on icanhazcheezburger today!

I'm so pleased with myself - kittehs and a geeky sci-fi reference!


  1. The moment your internet is down, you adopt a two-headed kitteh? That's productive!

    Cute photo!

  2. you know you've made it on the internet when you create an LOLcat...congrats!

    you should take the site up a notch and start a whole sci-fi kitty one. LOLcats' guide to the galaxy?

  3. Now I want to watch The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy.

    But instead, I have to go to work.

  4. Well IDV I'll stay home and do it for you then.


  5. Tara - Oh, I wish!

    Missy&Chrissy - Yeah! Do I get a sticker or a badge or something?

    I'm not sure I could manage more themed kittehs though!

    Inexplicable Device - HA! Sucks to be you!

    Cyberpete - Doesn't suck to be you!

  6. True, it doesn't!

    Been watching the Olympics instead though. Had to see how our fabulous Olympians are doing.

    Most did pretty badly but we have a canoo or kayak. Something boaty with two people in it going to the finals.

  7. //Trillian: You idiot! You signed the order to destroy Earth!
    Zaphod: I did?
    Arthur: He did?
    Trillian: Love and kisses Zaphod? You didn't even read it, did you?
    Zaphod: Well, I'm president, I don't have a lot of time for reading.
    Trillian: My whole planet destroyed because you thought someone wanted your autograph!//

    stupid cat. : )

  8. Cyberpete - We got another gold in a boaty thing today!

    K_sra - I can't help but like Zaphod Beeblebrox, even if he was responsible for the destruction of the planet!
