Friday, July 11, 2008

(Super Monkey) Balls to you

Oh, and I didn't forget to put 50p in the meter - I just thought everything would show up better in the dark. How wrong I was…


  1. "Choose your monkey" is something we don't normally hear outside of cyberspace.

    I want an Iphone now, and I'm not really a techie person! You should be a spokesperson for the iPhone. You've definitely got the good voice for it.

  2. Oh and that light saber application is so worth it.

  3. Yessss! Light sabre! I am getting one now just for that. Also I have a request - your next video post needs to be shirtless.

    Just for scientific reasons, you understand. RAWR!

  4. Now I will have to get an iPhone. It looks even more awesome now. Maybe that's just you holding it though, I don't know.

    Like Tara said, your voice. Yes.

    Now run along and play with your monkey balls

  5. I like how when the videos end, Top You is looking in wonderment and awe at smug looking Bottom You holding something Huuuuuge (but not unwieldy or out of proportion) just off screen.

    I second T-Bird with her shirtless science request. And I third Tara and CyberPetra: The Voice.

    What was this post about again? I only had eyes for one thing.

  6. Anonymous10:46 am

    I want to control all monkeys by waving my iphone around, work would become a whole lot more interesting.

    I also find they don't really do anything until you shake 'em about a bit... Ahem!

  7. Tara - You should get one! Do it! I now want to be in the Apple promo videos explaining how things work - although technically they'd probably have to show me how things work before I'd be able to explain how things work…

    T-Bird - Yes young padawan, a lightsabre! Unfortunately if I did anything topless the screen glare from my pasty skin would just render everything an intense white.

    Cyberpete - Yes, wait until they're back in stock and GET ONE.

    Inexplicable Device - It was about iPhones and about how wrong you are. Pay attention!

    Watch*Paint*Dry - Depends on the monkey, dear girl!

  8. Really? I'd better give it another look...

  9. I will.

    You know, you just supplied IDV with actual Tim porn.

    However, I'd like it if you could do tutorials on the iPhone when I get mine.

    That would be ace!

  10. Inexplicable Device - Yes, do. And stop playing with your broomstick.

    Cyberpete - He's easily amused, isn't he? I quite like the idea of tutorials, but it's actually so easy to use that I don't think you'd actually need them!

  11. I still think you should make a once a week video toturial where you show a feature or something. I'm so dumb I couldn't even setup my email and hotmail account to my Sony Ericsson Z610i.

    Working a sophisticated piece of electronics like it iPhone can't be easy.

  12. I shall be getting one as soon as my current EVUL contract runs out.

    iPhones ftw!

  13. Cyberpete - I guarantee you will know how to work it within minutes - with stuff like email settings it just zips them across from your computer itself; you honestly won't have to do anything technical.

    But if you really want me to do some tech guides I will give it a whirl.

    Willowc - We can lightsabre duel!

  14. Sounds promising.

    Well any chance of getting you to do video stuff really. For IDV you understand.


  15. You're not fooling anyone, CyberPetra.

    Although, I'm totally on board with the video tutorials idea.

    Carry on.

  16. What?

    It's not my fault he is so friggin hot!

  17. Cyberpete - Just for IDV? Of course…

    Inexplicable Device - But you don't want an iPhone, what could a video tutorial possibly teach you?!?

    Cyberpete - *blushes* bless you!

    ***Unsexy nerd update***

    OK, so I realised I made a mistake in my first video - my iPhone does have GPRS (that's just the regular phone network), but it doesn't have GPS (which the iPhone 3G does).

    Carry on!

  18. These videos just made my day so much better! Your voice and accent are just so sexy. Umm...I was going to say something else but I've been sidetracked by going back and watching it again.

    This is definitely in contention for post of the year (something I just created right now).

  19. Hurrah! If these videos made you day better than they've served their purpose, Dinah!

    Although I don't get the accent thing - it's a London accent and it's really dull. Imagine how cool it would be if I did them using Jack Nicholson's voice or something.

    I actually, unbelievably you might think, hate the sound of my own voice, but if it's going to win me post of the year then good times ahoy!

  20. Oh, I totally understand...both the voice and the accent stuff. Even though I think this sounds much cooler than Jack Nicholson's voice.

    The Super Monkey Ball stuff was surprisingly clear...I could definitely make out a part of what it looked like!

  21. I second the accent thing. It's super sexy. *sigh* You are so lucky I live in another hemisphere. Otherwise I think I'd be relentlessly stalking you.

    I am having man condundrums at the moment. Why can't there be a Tim-esque person living near me?! They're all boofheads.

  22. I'd prefer John Hannahs accent to Jack Nicholsons though.

    But yours is obviously best.

    Can't wait for the next toturial where you explain the GPS and GPRS and of course mention the differences between the two.

    I can see it in neon lights.

    Sparkly Tim uncovers the GPRS and GPS phenomenon

  23. Dinah - You think I sound cooler than Jack Nicholson!?

    T-Bird - Am I going to have to get restraining orders taken out on all members of the coven? Oh, no, wait - it's still just IDV. Boofheads sounds more awesome than I suspect it really is.

    Cyberpete - Oh, the difference is quite easy, really, but very dull.

    Everyone in general - I really don't get this accent thing. It's just so boring and normal. Given the chance I'd like to testdrive Ricardo Montalban's voice - now that's exotic!

    If you could borrow any accent, which accent would you borrow?

  24. The first accent I stole was the one of Alison Armitage. Then Geri Halliwell and now I'm a bit torn.

    I think I've ended up with a sort of aussie pronounciation of some words.

    Given the chance I'd like something like Ewan McGregor

  25. I'm going with Leonard Nimoy (for the gravitas!), Ricardo Montalban, or Darth Vader.

  26. Hmmm... After careful consideration, I'd like to sound like Autumn Reeser.

    No. Really, I'd like to borrow Patrick Stewart's accent.

    "But it was too late. I'd seen it all!"

  27. I just saw the episode of Family Guy where Peter gets so much money he can finally trade his vocal cords for Patrick Stewart's!

    And yes, I think you sound cooler than Jack Nicholson.

  28. Inexplicable Device - But tragically you still wouldn't look like her, would you?

    Stop trying to wedge some chicken fillets down your top, it makes you look like a pervy butcher.

    Dinah - GASP! I don't think I've seen this episode!! Must … track … it … down!

    Noooooooo… Jack sounds waaaaay cooler than me.

  29. It's just a quick throwaway's in the episode called "no meals on wheels" or something. But it's quite funny.

  30. Still, I MUST SEE IT!

  31. I've come into this far too late as per usual, but I'm going to say something anyway.

    Ti-moth (see how I made that look Sci-Fi, or just elongated), you should sell stuff, I think I'd buy anything off you. Anything!

    Also, Hefty has both those apps, and his best friend Bob created Super Monkey Ball, look for his name in the credits! He's also rubbish at it (Hefty, not Bob) and is going to tell Bob to make it easier. I'm sure it's that simple!

    Hefty should have got the new model, but O2 cocked up their website royally and then tried to blame it on high demand..tut, tut, no foresight...

    So er, yeah.

  32. Oh, and I invited you to Twitter which is apparently going to be the next big thing. It seems pointless to me but I'm hoping you'll join cos Hefty's the only other person on there and I already know what he's up to most of the time.

  33. iPandah - everyone's moving over to Plurk because Twitter has been so unstable the last couple of months. It's kinda cool but hard to keep up with!

  34. iPandah - Really? Should I be like Shatner and do advertisements?! I'd actually like to do something like that - I should get a slot on a show or something!

    Kudos to Bob - I was playing Super Monkey Ball at 1 a.m. this morning and I finally worked out how to do without hurling my monkey into space. It's awesome.

    Sucks that Hefty couldn't get his 3G - I heard that O2 were getting something like 13000 hits per second on their website!

    I'm not sure about Twitter - I actually thought about it a few months back, but wasn't too sure what purpose it would serve. That and I figured I'd probably get addicted to it and wouldn't be able to leave it alone!

    Willowc - Plurk!? It sounds like the sort of noise a cat would make when it brings up a hairball.

  35. Tim - Yes you should! I will pass on your kudos to Bob. Heft got a text telling him to log on at a certain time, which he did, and the website just died. He complained to O2 who blatantly didn't read what he'd put in his email, they just sent him fobbing off nonsense! He's done the software update thing though, hence all the cool new apps! I really don't see the point of Twitter, it's ridiculous, but I joined it cos Hefty's on it, but he's the only person on it, so I don't see the point cos I know what he's doing most of the time!!

    Willowc - I'm clearly not down with the kids, thank you for dragging me into the 21st century...heading to Plurk now....

  36. OK, I need my own show. Can you get me my own show? I want my own show.

    Tim does Technology. That's what it'll be called, and each week I'll guide a hapless celebrity through a technological hurdle. It's a winner!
